Addiction help

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, May 30, 2016.

  1. Hello everyone,
    I am here today to tell you of my addiction, you probably have a similar addiction, and why I am currently having withdrawal symptoms, wrongly so of course.

    What am I addicted to?

    I am shamelessly addicted to seeing Suzanne's werewolf love story threads all over active topics. Had I not popped into forums and seen those I would have undoubtedly left straight away, but no. The punctuation was flawless, transitions seamless, story-line fabulous and the suspense was thrilling. But...

    No, the cruel people of this once loving community got the threads put into one thread.
    Imagine if all eight Harry Potter books were in one book. How would JK Rowling feel then?
    Can you compare the Harry Potter series and the werewolf love series though?

    But now it is unlikely that we will see anymore werewolf love stories,

    I was going to star in one of her stories.
    I was going to be KaW famous but no. KaW infamy was wrenched from my hands, even the mods were going to let it happen but you the people demanded the werewolf love stories to be stopped.

    So, in case you were wondering.
  2. Top kek.
    Bring back the love stories!
  3. We should write a song to Suzanne.

    Who wants to start this off?
  4. Ohhh Susanna oh, don't you cry for me....
  5. I just clicked on last page of active topics and saw this...bump
  6. Best thing I've read in a long time in forums. :lol:
  7. You need to give yourself to a higher power. Have you accepted apheriun as your personal lord and savior?
  8. Where are you now? She has another series, by the looks of it there are several volumes on the way xD
  9. Im Addicted to
  10. Is Suzanne still around?
    I thought I was safely over my addiction but I'm afraid it has come back with a vengeance.
  11. Alas,I fear our dear Suzanne may very well have went into seclusion (retirement,)due to the constant criticisms by her detractors concerning her literary endeavors. It is a sad but true fact the greats are never acknowledged correctly until their time has passed...:-(
  12. I miss her. #BRINGBACKSUZANNE
  13. Suzaaaaa baeeee come back!!!
  14. Normally I'd condemn the use of bae.
    In these circumstances however, I completely and utterly agree.