People Who I Think Make This Forum Better

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Imitation-Cheese, Feb 21, 2016.

  1. Where am i :cry:
  2. In my heart.

    Trapped, forever. Without food and water.
  3. Better than my current living conditions Q.Q
  4. ya know what's funny? i occasionally do check in on kaw forums, but there are just no threads worth commenting on. so i just sort of spam wc with nonsense and then i forget about kaw and go find something interesting to do.

    the game just isn't active enough anymore to support a vibrant forum community.

    btw if you think i found this thread because i did a forum search for my own name to satisfy my ego, you are correct.

    roni called me "the patron saint of the kaw forums". i have mixed feelings about that.
  5. What do you mean? We have Suzanne, our saviour and one true God, she hath come to deliver us from the dark ages with her epic tales of whatever the hell she's been talking about..
  6. the werewolf writer? what's up with that? aren't there moderators anymore? someone really needs to merge those.

    i'm hereby volunteering for the job of forum moderator.

    now if you excuse me, i have to go finish reading that epic tale of love and betrayal...and werewolves.
  7. Hopefully i can make it on this list with all my daddys one day
  8. Why I not on here? I am butt hurt now.
  9. Good read however.
  10. i didn't read it. i saw my name, got really excited, and spurted out a post.
  11. I forgot all about this thread. Glad someone brought it back's funny to see some of the names list then really don't play much's a shame as they brought alot to the table.
  12. well...idk about "all" the people on that list. but that wordwaster guy....he is such a great guy. he single handedly kept the forums fun and entertaining with his constant crusades against mediocre trolls. he really was the best there ever was.
  13. I'm not on here :/
  14. Cheese. You forgot to include yourself. Love you or hate you. All your posts generally are true and are backed by facts.
  15. damn i thought i was nice on forums
  16. I know. I only went inactive for ages and still rank top 10 most forum posts, you'd think I'd at least get second largest annoyance (1st goes to the creator of that spam thread, KaW Town) :lol:
  17. Lol im getting up there dont get too comfortable
  18. Might've missed the name since I skipped to the last post, but was Roni mentioned? She's earned credit in that she can get the whole kawmmunity stirred up and never gets tired of poking the bear!

    EDIT: I see she's already been here carrying on as only Roni does. ?
  19. i'd be top poster if moose hadn't delete so many of mine. the man was always trying to keep me down.
  20. Honestly, I hope I get enough of a life where I can't post and you do surpass me :lol:

    But as my magic 8 ball would say when I ask it "Will I ever get a life":

    My sources say no :lol: