"New" Top Gear

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by PRIME, May 30, 2016.

  1. Soooo today was the day the reboot of BBCs Top Gear hit the airwaves after many months of speculation..

    Did anyone watch it?

    Well without giving away all the details there's really only one word to describe it..

    Chris Evens tried way too hard to keep the attention away from the fact that he basically just picked up Jeremy's script and continued reading.. The dialog was very disingenuous and super campy.. It was very awkward..

    They just recycled old Top Gear, they did several challenges that have been done before, (with minor updates) but the fact that Matt Lablanc is way cooler than Chris, it wrecks the entire dynamic..

    Truly a disappointment, and makes me all the more excited for the Grand Tour this fall..

    Any thoughts on this, and honestly how good does Gordon Ramsey's hair look these days?

  2. Gordon Ramsey is my spirit animal.
  3. He was trying way too hard and it was obvious.
  4. The catering joke made me cringe, I mean how does he sleep at night knowing he will never be as good as Jeremy?
  5. Is Joey in it?

    *insert Friends joke here
  6. Yes Joey is on it, aside from Sabina, and how awkward Jessie Eisenburg was, he was the best part..

  7. Well I hear that next week they are driving 4x4's over rum ham

  8. Now that's something I'd pay to see.. Along with the "new" audience and segments..
  9. It was the most cringeworthy thing i have seen in a looooooong time. How can u mess a program up that bad man.
  10. Well I haven't seen the new reboot yet, but honestly I don't care to. No one can replace Jeremey, May, and Hammond. I can't wait for their new show this fall!
  11. I couldn't agree more with you chaps..

    Deep down I'm excited for Matt Lablanc, he is actually quite talented as both a driver and an actor.. It shall be interesting to see how it all pans out, and weather or not they decide to keep Chris after this series..
  12. I don't watch Top Gear but...

  13. I wanted to give the new TG a fair viewing, and after seeing some of the previews was even a little excited.

    It very much follows the TG formula as seen in other local franchises, a condition of the licensing agreed with TG Productions, i.e. silly challenges and little studio time. In that respect it is very different from the 'old' TG because of course both Clarkson and May were veteran motoring journalists before they became broadcasters, and Hammond had been a very experienced radio and tv voice.

    The new duo came across as very superficial, whether from scripting or editing I don't know. Matt will obviously need a bit of time to become comfortable with monologues to the camera; I wish Chris would ditch the usual high-energy persona and find a more serious journalist demeanour. Also I'm not sure whether only two main presenters will work out or quickly become tiresome. Fine for the first episode, when introducing a non-UK presenter the UK-vs-US challenges seen seem obvious. Having the original Land Rover even a little interesting, but old TG would have found some way to talk more about the vehicles themselves.

    I guess we can now drop the pretence that TG is a factual show and is now pure entertainment. US State Dept take note!

  14. This is what i feel like doing with most forumers
  15. Had too work so missed it though from what i hear it wasnt great, Supposedly they've destroyed the "star in reasonable price car" also the only presenter that was enjoyable was Matt LeBlanc i hear, it was the old presenters that made the show what it was and i cant see it being anywhere near as good unfortunatley
  16. What a load of crap. Britains best long running tv show ruined in 1 hour. Guess its time for an amazon prime sub. Think the bbc should have just put some hot food on the menu instead of wasting my licence fee!!
  17. Have to admit the majority of the format could have been from any series of top gear.

    What destroyed it.

    Having some crazy school girl hyped up on illegal narcotics running about screaming at the camera and audience like an,

    Well actually I'm not sure like what.
    It was the worst presenting I have ever seen by a carrot.

    Matt Leblanc had some hope. Though the USA vs UK theme was old in the first five seconds.

    RIP top gear.
    Looking forward to the grand tour soon.
  18. Hurry up the grand tour

  19. Let's all eat Jeremy.
  20. Jeremy probably tastes like marmalade..

    On a serious note, Im beginning to wonder if the writers are being smart, and next week will be a new top gear? Set the bar so extremely low that whatever they do next will be bearable?

    Regardless, Prime will be getting my money this autumnî„…