Basic War Guide 101

Discussion in 'Wars' started by animal-style, May 27, 2016.

  1. System Wars: These are Dev controlled Wars Basically. Devs randomly Pick your Teams if you're doing individual War. If you're doing Low Land Wars then you find a clan whom is doing the next Low Land war!

    There are three different Kinds of Individual War, classic, random, & advantage. I'll tell you what to do for them!

    As to what to do in all three types of indi....

    Classic Timer: 10minute static

    The objective is to try their tanks Zero Spy so then can't KO(knockout) your teammates in SKO(self knockout) and are coming out of KO. Need to get hansels spies down ASAP so they don't assa your tanks down. Have hansels plunder hansels and tanks skim the weakest adt tank. If there aren't many Hansels, I would focus on putting hansel troops on tanks and working towards AKOs(attack knockouts). Strategies may vary depending on the roster.

    Random Timer: Come out of KO between 5-10minute

    Random it can get a little tricky, but again, it'd be best to Zero Spy tanks in this situation again, so they can't spam your roster coming out of KO and get their hansels spies weak and KO'd quick if the opportunity is there.
    Have hansels plunder at start if the opponent has Hansels to plunder. Teammates that are tank/hybrid and have no ADT have them plunder down so they don't leak, goes for all types. Can use your tanks/hybrids with no ADT to weaken opposing tanks for easy skims and AKOs.

    Advantage type: 7-13 minute timer

    As for advantage, it really varies as to what you should do...depending on their roster you can do a couple different things. You can plunder down and tank spies or another thing is plunder down, but not fully and go for their regens and try to take them out with your spies if they plunder dive. You can create "waves" where everyone comes out of SKO together and SKOs on the enemy at the same time. As you gain more experience you'll understand how to work advantage wars.

    As for just really have to pay attention to the war, can counter xstal, can xstal to keep control and when they xstal plunder dive, it just varies with that
    Can have your ups eat their xstals by diving then xstalling back up, it just really depends on that situation, it is different every war.

    In Low Land Wars, it all depends on what kind of Roster you have and who is WCing!

    War Terminology (OSW & System)

    System War Terminology:
    Leak- Leaks Plunder to the other team by being attacked easily. (Or stole)
    Tank- Heavily towered build, Hard to win On.
    Tanksel- A hansel in which has towere so they don't leak as much in Plunder
    Plunder- Gold in which you earn by attacking oppo players on the team you're against!
    Dive- When you Try to Plunder As soon as possible. You dump all of your troops (and spies IF TOLD!)
    Tank- To stay a Certain % of troops and spies due to being able to withstand inc
    Inc- Incoming (atks Stls sbs.)
    Atk- Attack
    Stl- Steal
    Sb- Scout Bomb
    Sko- Self Knock out (you lose less plunder to the oppo team if you knock your self out rather than being knocked out by another player
    Ko- Knock out. You can either Knock out an Opponent or be knocked out by an opponent. If you get knocked out by an opponent you lose a % of your plunder to the oppo Team.
    Skim- To Atk or Sb a target from a Certain % an (x) amount of times.
    Rogue Xtal- When you xtals aside from when your WC tells you to, (not recommended!!!) this can Cause a Loss in wars due to solo xtals being plundered easily.
    WC- War Commander. They tell you what to do in the war, They also give you initial Targets. You need to be expected to Listen to WC if you're going to war.
    Tk- Tracker. These guys are vital to war! They track when someone gets KOed and when they will come back up for the repins
    Window- A (x) amount of time before a KOed player will come back up from KO
    Repin- to KO a Player Whom is coming out from KO.
    Wave- Basically, when your Whole team SKOs and Has a certain time when your Team SKOs again!
    Zt- Zero Troops
    Zs- Zero Spies
    Remember these terminologies as they will come in Handy and you will hear these a lot throughout you KaWreer
    Strips: Where a Player hires an Oppo Players allies and Steals and attack skims to take their gold (from the allies being hired) while they're asleep or away.
    Bank: Buy pots in the marketplace to minimize gold taken when an oppo atks or stls you.

    Well, There's OSW of course. So here's some terms used in OSW for Future Reference

    Off System War Terminology:
    PermaPinned- when you are Pinned and Zeroed (PnZ) 24/7
    Pinned- When your troops are pinned
    Zeroed- When your spies are Zeroed
    Not Zeroed- You still have Spies
    Not Pinned- You still have Troops
    Strip- A Classic (vital/Important) tactic in OSW in which you hire all of an Enemy's allies and Stl them to take their Gold. You want to try to do this when your enemy is asleep!
    Front line- someone who hires all of an enemies, (or (x) amount) for a strip.
    OSW- Off System War Abbreviation

    Funder- someone whom hires allies from a friend of enemy to fund strips.
    War Runner- when someone runs from War because A) they're tired of war B) they're scared of war. C) they Just wanna leave.
    CF- Cease Fire. If getting farmed and you can’t do anything you request one of these to stop all hits
    PnZ- Pinned and Zeroed
    P nZ- Pinned But Not Zeroed
    Z np- Zeroed but Not Pinned
    Reset Bomb- when an enemy hires a ally but the enemy resets their Bomb so it's a Lose/Lose Situation. (UPDATE: Reseting is now disabled)
    CA Target- when A Player is put into a Clan Announcement as a Target to make sure all clannies know and Hit!
    Alts- Alternative Accounts in which a Player may have an (x) amount of accounts these are called Alts. Usually every player has a Main whether it just be the one account they have!
    Zt- Zero Troops[/color
    Zs- Zero Spies

    I would Like to Thank Logic for Helping with this.
  2. Add AKO to system war terminology.

    Get the enemy to zs and then KO them with troops for an Attack Knock-out for substantially more plunder. What we try to do on repins.

    Edit: a couple more now than I've thought about it.

    100/100 - tank status reports, the numbers representing the bar full percentages for troops and spies respectively, e.g. 80/60 represents 80% troops and 60% spies remaining.

    Success reports, e.g. "sb 4 3/4" translates to your scout-bombing the enemy clan roster number (cr) 4, 3 scouts were successful out of 4 attempts. Also e.g. atk 7 2/2 translates to both troops attacks on cr7 were successful.

    Incoming reports, e.g. "inc troops 4 0/1" cr4 tried to attack you once but failed.

    "Weak" - e.g. weak spies, or weak troops. When the enemy is running low on troops or spies. Evidence for this could be a high success rate or easy success against a big target, from a scout report indicating a high probability chance of success, or when the number of enemy troops or enemy spies killed by your action reduces to the Hoarfrost buildings glitch.

    "Diving" when the enemy, particularly a tank, starts to unload their troops and/or spies on you deliberately to either dump troops or self-KO. Evidenced by a high frequency of incoming and a high frequency of fails as offensive potions will not be used.

    "Mith", short for Mithril. "Mith up" as an instruction means to purchase the available Mithril Stats spells from the Alchemist. "Not Mithed" indicates a player who has not done so, possibility indicating an inactive player and certainly indicating a weakness to be exploited.
  3. You missed out the part where you strip ps with allies on show, that's always a crowd pleaser 
  4. Looks good! Only thing I'd do would be change the blue font to something easier on the eyes.
  5. Hello, Luca. And welcome to kaw forums! 

    I see that you're new here. I recommend that you take a look in the Guides section, as everything you've covered here has already been covered many, many times in some very old guides.

    I'd recommend requesting a lock before the trolls and flamers show up. Then you should take a few days/weeks to familiarize yourself with the existing guides before creating a new one. 
  6. Actually I think it's quite good because it's a very accessible, clear English guide that hopefully people interested in participating will read first before Casting. Putting the war descriptions before the terminology was a good idea, and having different approaches in different guides can be healthy.

    WOC - (wave of conflict) another term to be added
  7. Pls remove crazy colors and itd be great
  8. Actually, this guide isn't nearly as informative as the existing war guides.

    Assassin was kind enough to post links to them. Check them out. 
  9. Thanks Guys. I'll update it a Bit later
  10. When I read this.

    I thought I was high but remembered I didn't smoke today.

    The blue color seems to drop while the Red pops out of the screen.
  11. Thanks! Seems Okay.
  12. Just some small things. In sko u don't lose plunder to other team but in KO u do and the percent lost (excluding plunder) is 10% for a KO and 2.5% for an sko
  13. This has inspired me to make a thread of my own...

    Maybe I will make a questions thread, you know, for everyone with their questions..