
Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by SS-TiLT-SS, May 22, 2016.

  1. People have got 4x bigger an do soooo much damage to hte but seals cost the same? Last time u opened new lands u increased bars come on devs stop being greedy!
  2. I dont think the economy could agree you obviously spend time to make their game cool but if it was up to them you wouldnt have a game like that ?
  3. Go work and do something with yourself. I bless you with rap powers.
  4. Greedy would be remove 15min wait times
    Now blaming hte is too short u do ignore all those in the majority who won't care.
  5. Hot tub still sucks
  6. Omg, there is like 5 threads about it just in AT.
  7. Maybe they could make a promo shark eb to make up for the easy hte

  8. Forget about that, we need more sales
  9. Lol you think you have them.. :lol: