Jaws Of Nozlagh -BACKSTORY- The shark emperor,Nozlagh,hunting for fishes and crabs was deeply disturbed by uncanny noises coming from outside the cave where his home,the lake of light was located. Follow the noise,outside the cave and into the forest he noticed a spear coming towards him and dodged it. He is enraged,wanting to destroy anything coming towards him. He comes towards the kingdom of vaigalon in search of his prey. Protect the kingdom from it's wrath or get destroyed.. EB TIME LIMIT-8 HOURS Phase 1 @100% 1)Attack Tundra Guardians-110,000 Points. 2)Steal Gem Of Light-76,000 Points. 3)Attack And Assassinate Main Bar-Nozlagh to 70%. Phase 2 @70% Nozlagh Fears your armies and tries to lure you towards his home.He appears to be calling out for help.. 1)Scout Nozlagh's trail-134,000 Pointa 2)Use Item Orb Of Illumination On Poisonous Fog-31,000 Points. 3) Attack And Assassinate Main Bar-Nozlagh To 35%. Phase 3 @35% You finally find the cave leading to the lake and prepare to enter it as a rumbling sound appears. Out comes a rather different looking specimen,covered in scales.'Shellnagh is name',he says and prepares to attack. 1) Attack And Assassinate Shellnagh-225,000 Points.(Regens 5k points every 3 min) 2)Attack And Assassinate Main Bar-Nozlagh to 0%. Nozlagh falls down to the fertile soil beside the lake accepting his defeat. Equipment And Other Rewards Shield Of Fate-A Shield Formed by the scales of shellnagh,so strong that even the mightiest of the swords also cannot pierce through. (13m Defence and 24m Spy Defence At Level 1) Vial Of light-A vial Containing the holy water of the lake.(item drop varies on eb activity) -This item can be used in the next eb of the tier of ebs-A New Enemy Thread Is Open To Suggestions.
Where did claydor,zuthmerak,apheriun,usaris,sporavek,moutous,arkosa spawn from? And stop backing your clannies,you still gonna lose
I didn't know he was my clannie I don't even see him in chat. Seriously, I dont think we need another eb. Ton of things to fix now.
Haha ran from osw, I visit who I like nub But seriously, awesome idea! Spend your time creating fantasy ebs whilst in osw... Support
You are posting a new forum thread every week. Dont knowwhats your aim Vk/Mod.. But every member who became mod/Vk stops posting it, once they become it. Soon we too will see you stop these threads once you become. Like sean is less active after vk. No support for new eb.. Lotl is too hard as it is.. And 5k every 3 min,lol it will be in next tier where even an albc hansel may fail spy action and albc attack build may fail on attack. So no ty
Lol,I just post a forum thread when I ge t an idea in my mind.Also this eb may not be harder than lotl,it could be a middle tier eb.