You should all be disgusted

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, May 15, 2016.

  1. The fact is I've not seen a good pvp or osw forum for weeks... the only forums getting attention are "not been paid for this eb".....or "hte is too quick".....or "where's the next eb"

    This ain't another kaw is dead thread however apoc and events have killed pvp.......I see usual suspects like skinny and roni commenting on threads expecting some convo back but it seems nobody cares ...respect to them for trying.......seems to me old school kaw is dead even todd still loves bacon has quit and he used to advocate pvp
  2. Eh, Kaw has been dead for years.
  3. No, iG has been dead for years. Kaw is doing fine.
  4. I know what your saying swab n trust me I've been same as u trolling "kaw is dead" threads but the fact is casual....the fact is pvp is defo dead.....don't kid yourself with impressive numbers during pvp events cause fact is we know lb pvp hit there alts...this ain't new there anyway we can recover old school kaw
  5. Lol.
  6. All I'm reading is a guy crying because a bunch of players don't play this game the same way he does
  7. Rikki gets an extra .3
  8. So make one? Instead of whatever the hell you wanna classify this as.
  9. Surprised to hear this from a good forumer... and if I remember rightly a good ee warrer. .....anyway Rik maybe your right. ....I need to adjust to enjoy
  10. The fact is since I've mentioned apoc have killed this game more than zaft ever did it will get no attention.its just funny or maybe a life lesson that to kill a dictator took a bigger dictator
  11. Devs left PvP behind a long time ago. Right or wrong, now people want incentive to PvP and there simply isn't any. Growth is most people's focus now.

    KaW is no longer only a warring game. And that's what a lot of people seem to forget. KaW has taken a different path to what was anticipated. Events, ebs and growth comes first and PvP comes last.

    These are the two paths to KaW now. People should be able to play how they like. I know a lot of players won't agree with me. But devs have pushed alternate paths for a long time now.
  12. Now there's a good point
  13. There are plenty of clans outside of apoc, invictus and any other alliances. Blaming big alliances for it is plain stupid.

    The problem is that PvP has been ignored for so long, it's no longer viable, yes it's still fun, but you can't keep up by doing PvP anymore. Events are geared to ebs, promos are ALWAYS eb promos.

    The fact is, it's not alliances that have killed PvP, it's the lack of progressive updates, whilst updating the PvE side of KAW.
  14. yes the old school kaw, the vicious warriors who used their list of inactives to find the accounts not already dtw or used clan osf, then if all dtw hit someone on battle list maybe 1-3x and not more than 5, what a ruthless kaw how i miss it so.
  15. I haven't been playing since the good ol' days of KaW when everyone was a blood thirsty pvper, but I do enjoy PvP when it rolls around and I would definitly like to see more than just event PvP in the future from the devs.
  16. its people like this who create this false perception with their "lost old accounts" im just so tired of all these stupid nonsense comments
  17. ^Will it be ok if I have the six year badge?
  18. 2 paths? Growth for what? To admire some pointless number we call stats?

    op has a point and those that utilize brain matter know those game was dead a year ago.

    I only see 2 ways to fix this situation , eliminate ebs ( I not hit one since jan). Or start over , reset everyone to zero with some kind of fix to the war system.

    Without this all kaw has become in PIMD
  19. Lmao.

    "Old school Kaw". When players hit osfs and oafs all day long and claimed to be farming the hell out of players.

    Complain about ebs all you want, the time of pre eb Kaw was simply another form of eb.
  20. Pimd is still worse spooky atleast currently