More color spells

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Eiwa, May 12, 2016.

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  1. Support!
  2. Yes please! I love when the color spells last a full 24 hours.
  3. Support! Rainbow me! 
  4. Can I get some of that chartreuse?
  5. I want to see a rainbow mith spell that colors each of the letters on the users name differently. Or festive spells that support the holiday.
  6. Valiant yellow please
  7. Trojan colored.
  8. Agree that a broader range is warranted. Also, I would like to see longer spells. Give us more time on the mith we worked hard to get...heck, it's free and doesn't take anything away from's our mith and if we want our name colored, then why can't it be colored for a whole day??
  9. Oh Lord, forums has been reduced to
    "We want to look like a fairy unicorn in WC"
    Colors ?!
    I wouldn't think that is a priority but I am usually wrong when it comes to guessing what the Devs think a priority is.
  10. Thank you for the support!Now if we could somehow get Grant's attention...

    The support team did tell me that color spells are NOT a priority for the game, which is why I posted this thread. My wish is to show ATA that I am not the only one looking for SOMETHING new on this game. If it's something that we asked for, all the better.

    Oh, and WC is actually an important feature of the game, thank you for pointing that out! The higher the number of fairy unicorns there, the merrier 
  11. Can't get red that's the color for the devs
  12. No ****.
  13. Rainbow and red and green and orange just every color out there would be nice more colors make the cc and wc better
  14. Invisible color.

    Or a spell making your name "update".
  15. You spelt colour wrong.
  16. I support black on black background or white or white background for all clan ads
  17. If you can get my name rainbow colored id come out of the closet
  18. Make sure you come out the right side, Aslan is waiting
  19. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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