Dihydrogen Monoxide - MOST WORST DRUG ON EARTH

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PrestonGarvey, May 7, 2016.

  1. ..not forgetting that crops are sprayed with DHMO and large contents are still traceable in the product once sold to the consumers!

    Also present in meat!!

    And a bonus: A janitor, getting tired of ppl swimming in a fountain, put up a sign: "Warning! Water contains high levels of Hydrogen!". Worked like a charm...
  2. I like to inject this I need help.
  3. Also, 100% of people who use it die
  4. Can those who die be frozen in it?

  5. I noticed it but since it was a science geek, I ignored it. Figured an English geek would be along soon to debate it
  6. Can i smoke it?
  7. Gate way drug to fizzy drinks
  8. Fun fact we are all meth heads....our breathable atmosphere contains small amounts of methane without it the air mixture isn't balanced and we die...meth is needed for survival
  9. If it's keemstar approved then sign me up fam