development team forum rep

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by sickdexlick, May 8, 2016.

  1. There's always going to be negative comments. Can't please everyone. But there could be less negativity if they took the time to address people's concerns. But they don't. So here we are with a dev team that only appears in forums to post event threads, maybe post a gif and give stupid answers the rest of the time. Guess what devs, the anime threads aren't going to improve the game. It's not good enough.
  2. Online indicators are the best 
  3. Self Deleted.
  4. Magnificently put.
  5. Plus I dont see how they are ALL always inactive, I mean at least 7 of those accounts are labeled support, and they seem to only check support email 1 time a day so they should be able to look out for cool stuff on forums if nobody else could
  6. Keep in mind that the general consensus seems to be whatever it is you guys are doing right now is not enough & hasn't been for a long time communication-wise & emails are not deemed satisfactory...stop being tight arses, pull your wallets out & hire more staff.
  7. Talk to the devs in feedback, i chatter with them on occasion. I recently proposed a change to the game, they responded and sent it to the development team. You just use feedback and they reply 90% od the time.
  8. I have only used feedback a couple times myself and most of the time I get a response. I tend to email support as my messages require more length and I always get a response.

    I agree more communication would be nice but honestly I don't think the blame should fall on Grant entirely. The mods know more than the average player as they get behind-the-scenes information. They are our community representatives and they should have more visibility and involvement and although I love the mod team it's fair for me to say that their are very few who interact well with the community.
  9. Yes I could use feed back and I do. But there is only so much I can write in feed back. Eventually you get told you've written too much feedback for the moment. And yes they reply. But it's never anything useful or satisfactory. It's always crap like 'We'll keep this in mind' or 'I will pass this along' or a half assed attempt at an explanation.

    I could also email them. Which I have done on several occasions. I'll give them credit that they always reply and usually always within 24 hours during the working week. But again, it is nothing useful. I express concerns, I express frustrations, I suggest improvements. You get the gist. It's always the same type of answer like this 'Thanks goes here. Some stupid round about explanation that doesn't actually deal with what I've said. Some crap about how they value feedback and will keep it in mind. Concluding sentence trying to sound interested'.

    It is not good enough. There is 0 presence by the dev team in forums. Yes I know they're busy. So they need to MAKE the time. Or FIND the time. Or APPOINT someone specifically to attend to forums and WC and to build a relationship with the player base. There are so many great discussions in forums. They would be helluva lot more in tune with the players if they actually communicated with us. I don't want stupid gifs or unprofessional answers. I want a dev team that doesn't just say their interested but shows they are as well. There was a glimmer for a while with the LL wars, clan roles, forum update and a few different types of promos. Nothing that lasted though. Back to the same copy and paste, rinse and repeat stuff.
  10. With regard to the moderators.
    It would be very helpful to see them clan hop daily and gain a different perspective to kaw than their own clan gives.
    However as they are entirely voluntary, their can be no basis for demand or expectations for them to do anything.

    Unlike the Devs they cannot give clear details on what the game direction is. And how to best respond ( though some have excellent insight ) to given situations.

    I still feel that when possible though I know they would be bombarded. Dev accounts should clan hop. They should actively compete in events.
    They should ally trade and pvp so that they can truly understand every aspect from a players point of view.
    Even if they used hidden accounts of various sizes, doing this would give them much greater understanding of the overall player base.

    Of course they may already do that to an extent, dev accounts have been talked about before. And some players definitely interact better with the Devs.

    I generally find the Devs in email very supportive and understanding.
    But a couple of times they haven't seen an issue until it's raised, which they could if they did clan hop and see what players actually experience.

    Seeing them on every thread would get tiresome. Like having big brother. Do I make a controversial post on this topic if I know they are watching. Would I get banned for it ?

    But I would like to see far more interaction on player ideas threads especially. Any idea good or bad really does deserve a response as to whether it's worth continuing discussions about something impossible to implement, or just a nod to say that's a great idea which we hadn't though of. We will see if there is a way to implement part or all of it.

    Doing so would give players a better understanding of what ideas are worth proposing and possible. And it would help us feel like we are being listened to. Which can only be a positive experience for the community
  11. Mods do provide a really good link to devs as well as insight. But there are things only devs can comment and improve on.

    I'd be surprised if devs didn't have a hidden account to play the game. Though even that wouldn't do much. Let's be honest. We'd all wanna see the positives if it was our own product.

    I certainly wouldn't expect to see them on every thread. And it's not about them interacting in terms of controversial topics or looking for people to ban. I'm mostly talking about idea/concern/suggestion/improvement threads. Players put out some fantastic ideas. They will gain more insight by not only reading the thread but asking questions of the players. By interacting. By trying to find out more information.

    At the moment none of this goes on. They pop up on threads randomly. For example, on their event threads they only respond to questions like 'Why is there a banner in every event?'. They don't tackle the difficult questions. They joke around wth the players on some threads. But nothing in relation to improving the game. If you're lucky, you'll get a response like Grant did on this thread. Clearly though, he didn't even bother to read the OP. This glazing over answers and not actually answering anything is a joke.
  12. Developers do have a "forum rep" but he servers as more of an informant then a representative right now.

    Devs recently signed all the people that work on KaW on forums, but as I've stated to them, they aren't doing too good about using their new red labeled accounts.

    Would love seeing more devs and co involved in the community but with the steps they've taken and disregarded, I doubt we'll be seeing and interaction between the player base and red names.

    However, support to OP.
  13. They could and should do more but honestly I would rather have the devs in the background working on stuff and having major information passed on to a representative or representatives. I would love to see more about what's in the works but once again that won't happen with our community as people are too toxic towards the devs if things change. This is part of the reason why the devs hide imo although I too don't think it's a good reason and would love to see more interaction that is on the level we expect.
  14. Exactly, Seth. They went to the trouble of making a bunch of the dev accounts and announcing it to us and they don't even get used.

    Devs should be doing both. I hope they're working on something in the background. Cause this copy and paste event stuff can't be taking up a lot of their time. But they still need to interact with us. They'll understand the player base more if they did.

    Players do tend to react negatively when something changes. But what do you expect? They change something or release something with barely any explanation and don't listen to the players i.e. clan roles. If devs were actually involved in the game and listened to the players, they'd realise their ability allocation for clan roles is not practical. Even if they don't wanna release a whole idea, they coukd just say there's going to be an event only focused on PvP or something.

    Like you said Kezzer, it's not a good enough reason. I believe players would respond more positively towards the devs if the devs took the time to actually talk and listen.
  15. Correction kind Sir, it's a ape. Not a monkey.