History Celebrations of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honor of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele, but the clearest modern precedent for Mother's Day is the early Christian festival known as “Mothering Sunday.” Celebrations Mother's Day is celebrated in more than 46 countries throughout the world. On this day, most people pray in churches in honor of mothers, while some gift them presents on this day to express their love. Some may have dinner at home with the family. One of the most popular ways people celebrate Mother's Day is by giving their mother a card and bouquet of flowers.[39] As it is a holiday, some people prefer to go out for a picnic to celebrate this festival. In schools, kids dedicate poems to their mothers and also performs various roles on this day. Why shouldn't it be celebrated Some people think that celebrating mother's day is not natural but superficial and false. Remembering mother and her services once a year is just meaningless. On the contrary mother's are supposed to be worshipped everday. A mother should be treated like a deity. People feel that holding a candle before an idol of God once a year is wrong which lessens the sanctity and piety of the idol. In the same way, worshipping mother once a year is desecrating the mother. This thread is open for any kind of discussion.
lol ...do crappy mothers get celebrated?* They're not all great. *Casey Anthony (many other examples) iPhone
This. I personally never had a mother, but i've quite a few friends with mothers and fathers. From what i've seen, not all mothers are good, some are just straight up horrible. To my knowledge most mother OR fathers these days aren't the best or even good. However, i think it should be up to the individual if they feel they should celebrate or praise that person they call mother. My mother isn't alive, but our maid was always nice to me and spoiled me. I would totally buy her roses and wish her a happy birthday. However she's gone. I do know a few friends without biological mothers or even parents, some hate their mothers and some really love their mothers. But we all know the reason why mothers day is so popular in the states and Canada; Kay's and Macy's mothers days ads.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the worlds first grown up test tube baby!! Sorry, had to. I worship my kids mum all the time, every night I offer her a token of my gratitude. I hate my own mother, but I suppose that's what happens when you have a psychotic mother lol.
The U.K. Celebrates Mother's Day from a religious tradition- it relates to when people used to go back to their 'mother' church, once a year, which was also often the only time a mother would see her sons(no cars or phones back then yooooo) America: After the American Civil War, Julia Ward Howe wrote the Mother's Day Proclamation as a call for peace and disarmament. Some states started to recognise the event as a holiday, but it was not until 1914 that President Woodrow Wilson declared the first national Mother's Day, as a day for American citizens to show the flag in honour of those mothers whose sons had died in war. Mother's Day is always the 2nd Sunday of May.
You say that has if the majority of mothers get cards today. All my mother did for my grandmother was do that stupid Facebook profile picture thing lol. I'm not doing anything at all for my mother. She just left on a trip to NYC with my 3 younger sisters for some softball game so I'm at my dads house. She doesn't care too much about Mother's Day. Usually, for my step mom, we do breakfast in bed followed by movie marathons with popcorn and various junk foods, and homemade gifts. But this year, she developed stomach cancer and cannot eat anything and has a feeding tube until after her surgery in a few weeks. So, we went out and bought her a slushie machine, and a dress and are going to the movies later to watch whatever movie(s) she wants to watch. She is so excited. My 4 year old son gave me a flower and a poem they made at school. I loved it. Now, in reply to the OP: Mother's Day isn't NEEDED. But if you think we shouldn't celebrate Mother's Day because it's something we should do everyday, then we should also get rid of Memorial Day and earth day. You should always be considerate about the earth and nature and the cleanliness of your environment and shouldn't need a day to tell you to be aware of the poor health the earth has ATM. And you shouldn't need a day to be reminded to thank a veteran for their service, and to remember those who have died. You should automatically be grateful to all who have served. The list goes on and on. Why target Mother's Day, and not anything else? Because it's relevant today and you wanted to make what you believed would be a good/decent thread, but I think it failed and was really cliché and its an overused argument anyways.
I think Holidays like this one, and Father's Day aren't meant for "worshipping" only once a year, and this post really does sum up how badly people are losing touch with reality. The reality is today is meant to be extra special, not "the only day" you show your mother love. I am lucky enough to have a great mother who has always been there for me, even when I didn't understand (teenage years) that she was. I tell my mom I love her every time I speak to her. And although today I will do the same it's a wonderful symbol to have a specific day just for you (other than your birthday). For those of you who have stated that your mom wasn't good to you I will pose this question (this is not meant to be incendiary but to honestly give you meaning for today). Did someone else help fill that mother role in your life? A grandmother, maybe your father "pulled double duty," an older sister, an aunt, a step mother? If so that's who you recognize today. It's not always about who gave birth to you, it's about the person who filled that role in your life. Lastly if unfortunately you didn't have anyone in your life that filled that role, but you know someone who is a great mom and you wish yours had been that way, do something small for them. I guarantee you will make their day, and the reaction they have will probably make yours as well. Happy Mother's Day all
Write your own threads and don't be low enough to simply copy and paste from Wikipedia. How low can you go? And also, if a mother was worshipped every day of the year, then she wouldn't be a mother would she? Your thread is probably not even your idea from the simple fact that I pointed out earlier. If you are going to forum, forum. Don't let wiki forum for you. Edit: The mother would be more like a Goddess and wouldn't perform the duties of a mother. Making the whole idea of worshipping her completely inept. Also, this would make a lot of younger women pop out babies even if they aren't ready, just to be worshipped. The entire concept is thick as hell and Mother's day should be kept as just that.
I'm not sure what you are trying to say, but so called rich countries also have things such as rule of law, freedom of the press, and generally inclusive economic policies. If these types of marketing tricks are the price we have to pay to live in a rich country, then it is a day well spent.