leaderboard extension/ ranking system

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -Soulless-Kaw-, May 6, 2016.

  1. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to see a new ranking system installed for all players.
    I enjoy the game, I enjoy the social side. It would just be good to see my progress on a daily basis rather than just watching my stats grow.
    Surely if this can be done for the events, this can be implemented for the game too.
  2. This was done for gaw. They had a daily and weekly heists lb and stuff like that
  3. And look what happened to gaw RIP
  4. Being unranked is another incentive to grow and gib dev many much monies $_$
  5. It means git gud scrub
  6. But don't you think having a ranking system would be more of an incentive? as you could actually see where you are and try to improve
  7. I just recently became ranked overall. You'll get there one day
  8. Still think this is a good idea and would really appreciate support thanks
  9. Would be nice to expand it to top 25k players instead of top 10k. Could also have a more trivial top player badge that way. (Not replacing it just a new one) Like top 25k, top 10k, top 5k, top 1k, top 500
  10. Nope, sorry. You only have 16k battle wins, so what, you've been playing for a month? *looks at loyalty achievement badge timing* Yup, about a month. Keep hitting slugger, you'll make it one day.
  11. Agree with this. Top 100 is unattainable now without shelling out big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    And then a bit more $$$.

  12. The point of the top leader board is exactly that, the top. Top 25k ain't really "top". Hell, you can't even see yourself on the lb unless you're top 200, and that's how it should be. The leader boards should be for leaders, not everyone. You wanna be up there, get there.

    I recently went from 3k overall to 1.3k 

    No offense intended to anyone, but rankings are as is for a reason. An incentive to get into top 10k is incentive enough imo.
  13. Age of account is irrelevant.