battle cry needs fixing

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IX_THoR_XI, May 6, 2016.

  1. Personally feel that battle cries should b paused if it has time remaining on it when an eb concludes and unpaused when next eb starts up.

    It's total crap especially when a battle cry ends in between ebs

    If ppl are spending $$$ on this bonus and
    If battle cries are meant for ebs
    Why does it run between ebs when no one can hit anything? Given that ppl buy this bonus - devs should fix this.
  2. No one making you spend. Your spending means you agree with the conditions resultant of purchase. Plus Devs lose revenue this way if it's paused.
  3. 1h battle cry, 10 minute hte, 15m between ebs, 60 mins eb, 90 mins wait time.

    1 battle cry for 2 and a half hours?

    It's just not going to happen is it?
  4. easy solution: Do not use battle cry when you know the eb ends...
  5. ️Note: Sucker Punch has how many 100's of hrs of BC cast, and OP wants to get all those 15 min wait between ebs paused for more extended time?
    Hmmmm. Pay for something knowing the limitations of, and now after money is in devs pockets and spent, wants more from the purchase. Has anyone ever made a purchase (legal or black market) and ever gotten something more later (without the threat of physical harm or blackmail)?
  6. Its meant to be unstoppable
  7.  that's why you're not going to see a change
  8. personally I think they should just reduce the wait time between ebs from 15 mins to 5, or even better just remove it altogether