WARNING: This is a Joke thread So.. Trying to join a clan eh?.. With all the WC ads whizzing by and your wall full of "Join Us!" wall arts, it must be overwhelming to choose which clan would suit your needs and make the clan experience enjoyable for you. Well.. After years of freeloading at a lot of clans in KaW, I shall now give you a guide in the form of High School groups! Let's Roll.. iG: Stoners New Age: Indie Garage Band Rock Hipsters YAFI: Jocks OutLawZ: Band Camp Freaks I.S.S: Para Military Jarheads KotFE: Emo Goth Theology and Geometry: Religious Freaks Last Rights: The Chess Club HoG: Hillbillies Black Hand: Dropouts HiT: Mean Hotties Lounge of Legends: People who eat their feelings WuDi: Asian Nerds ZAFT Carnage.: The Plastics -mrs Miggins pie shop-: The Chubbies Clan A: Teacher's Pets Resilience: Preppies VooDoo: Straight Goth Osiris: Drama Queens Sucker Punch: Rich Kids True Spartans: Girly Boys Twisted Souls: Boyly Girls AZTEC: Nerds FURY: Punks .ALPHA.: Pranksters LHL: Geeks Kreutzritter: Clueless Foreign Exchange Students Regulators: White guys who wanna be hip hop rappers Monster Garage: People who have their own car WarLor: Creepy Cult