Guide to Clans of KaW - The Highschool Version

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, May 4, 2016.

  1. WARNING: This is a Joke thread

    So.. Trying to join a clan eh?..

    With all the WC ads whizzing by and your wall full of "Join Us!" wall arts, it must be overwhelming to choose which clan would suit your needs and make the clan experience enjoyable for you.

    Well.. After years of freeloading at a lot of clans in KaW, I shall now give you a guide in the form of High School groups!

    Let's Roll..

    iG: Stoners

    New Age: Indie Garage Band Rock Hipsters

    YAFI: Jocks

    OutLawZ: Band Camp Freaks

    I.S.S: Para Military Jarheads

    KotFE: Emo Goth

    Theology and Geometry: Religious Freaks

    Last Rights: The Chess Club

    HoG: Hillbillies

    Black Hand: Dropouts

    HiT: Mean Hotties

    Lounge of Legends: People who eat their feelings

    WuDi: Asian Nerds

    ZAFT Carnage.: The Plastics

    -mrs Miggins pie shop-: The Chubbies

    Clan A: Teacher's Pets

    Resilience: Preppies

    VooDoo: Straight Goth

    Osiris: Drama Queens

    Sucker Punch: Rich Kids

    True Spartans: Girly Boys

    Twisted Souls: Boyly Girls

    AZTEC: Nerds

    FURY: Punks

    .ALPHA.: Pranksters

    LHL: Geeks

    Kreutzritter: Clueless Foreign Exchange Students

    Regulators: White guys who wanna be hip hop rappers

    Monster Garage: People who have their own car

    WarLor: Creepy Cult
  2. I dislike my clans "stereotype/classification" I demand more from you
  3. Not all of SP are rich just most :lol:

    Funny thread ashes
  4. I just knew this was going to be offensive :p
  5. "You know what I love about these highschool girls man..."

  6. KotFE Awakening

    The group of kids that are always having pregnancy scares
  7. What about K O S??

  8. ...who?
  9. K O S: The Skateboarders
  10. What's the difference between geeks and nerds?
  11. What about Donrico's clan? I just saw him in WC :)

  12. Still confused?.. Allow me to illustrate..


  13. GARUDA Army: Cool Asians
  14.  Damn girly Boys
  15. I like sudoku, but not sure about my fellow clannies. :lol:
  16. Dragon..

    Valkyl is more of a word puzzle guy..

  17. Osiris is drama queens kek
  18. Heart fall..

    Divine Kingdoms sound like those Kids who play Yu-Gi-Oh in the Cafeteria
  19. 
  20. I wish it was October 3rd.