Is It Ok - Kaw relationships.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moody, May 3, 2016.

  1. Jenni is..... Something else. We casually seen each other for a bit, then she disappeared for months and came back. But again, I wasn't seeing her because I felt I was head over heels for her or that she was my air or anything. We were sexually drawn. Not so much through pictures either, if you catch that part. It was a very sexual based relationship that we both knew wouldn't amount to anything.

    Like, when I name off my list of exs, I don't name her. (No offense to Jenni, obviously. It just wasn't a serious thing)

  2. I thought that was Melissa?
  3. Wasn't that whole thing some kind of prank? Or am I thinking of another couple?
  4. Definitely not me
  5. Ive been now 3 years with the girl i started in kaw relationship, everything is going great  so in favour!
  6. Denial ...not trying to sound judgemental, but how many KAW folk have u RL hooked up with? Do you meet all your "dates" online? Have you RL hooked up with folk on other mmo? or just KAW? Can you post any pics of the many KAW folk you have "met"? If you have hooked up on other mmo which mmo do you find provides you with the best "dates"?

    List your top ten please..

    ..just curious 

  7. I have been 3 years with a guy I met in this game... *derp*
  8. Me and apheriun had a happy relationship for years, now he just gets angry and turns red and keeps demanding I buy him these seals. The love is gone now.
  9. Do you not remember being 17? Well try. Then look at you when you were 19. Things change a lot around those times. 17-Still a high school confused with a lot of things. Rebellious
    18- graduated or graduating. Still a mere child, but starting to learn.
    19- been in the real world long enough to grow up alittle and be independent to a certain extent. Still rebellious, but a 19 year old should start to be growing up a little bit.

    In 2 years things change. Teenagers become adults. Adults make their own choice, so yes it would bother me with my 17 year over my 19 year old.
  10. Looking at her spamming drivel over the last few pages shows me I've struck a nerve.

    Deni is one of those kids who puts out a lot in an attempt to look cool.
    Half of the stuff heshe says are made up stories.
    Just another attention seaker.:lol:
    Thanks for making this thread about you Deni.

    The last few pages offers just a glimpse of the dysfunctional drama that comes with her "KaW Relationships".
  11. Naughty Moody, tricking everyone into showing their dirty laundry.

    I've met quite a few KAW/FC players in my travels around Australia and the world (hint, it's a great way to get a local tour guide). Most have remained wonderfully close friends, and it is something I thank gaming for. I know people who have got married, had kids with other players. I'm fairly sure it's sunshine and daisies.

    But then there is the dark side - KAW romance destroying marriages and breaking up families, cheating on RL partners, deceiving others about being single, kids being neglected, lives being shifted. Some players need that emotional gratification as much as they need builds or seal. It is simply how some play the game.

    As a mod, it's pretty terrible to have to intervene when KAW romances break down. The recrimination, the stalking, the exposing of secrets and vulnerabilities, the wall and banner hate. It's so, so, soooo messy and hurtful to both parties. Not everyone is quite so well adjusted by Wordwaster and Deni.

    I suppose my answer to is it ok depends on the honesty of both people involved. If your married or have a partner, then it's deceptive and base to all parties to pretend otherwise and cheat. However, if both parties are open and honest, then I think sure, it's ok.
  12. I've had a relationship on KaW. It was a combining of two very unique individuals who thought they could make it work, distance and all. A little time went by and feelings became stronger and stronger, love if you will. A little more time goes by, and it falls apart. Even though we don't talk and really have no way of contact, except for here if it did happen, she'll always have a piece of me.

    People shouldn't knock distance nor the internet, you'll never know where you'll find that one special person for you.
  13. The repercussions can be severe. But it can happen if you met someone in person first too. They can still go online onto social media and post things you've told them in confidence.

    It comes down to being safe, no matter how you met someone. Break ups can be messy in any situation really.
  14. You could say it would be worse if they did it on Facebook etc, where your entire family and community can see it. Atleast here, it's just a game.
  15. I was thinking that too, Rio. But then I thought if they were sharing details like address or real name, then a whole bunch of strangers could find that out. I suppose that's the same with Facebook, but it's more likely to be to people you already know. Then again if it's a reallt personal detail or experience, having it passed on through Facebook to people you deal with regularly could very well be worse.
  16. I've only "hooked up" with WordWaster irl. Because he was my boyfriend. And he only became my boyfriend after we met irl. I do have a list of kaw friends I would love to meet, given the opportunity, and purely as friends, as I did mention earlier that I have a fiancé. It's not that I am attracted to online people. In fact, I think it's that I tend to be attracted to gamers, as 90% of my past relationships are with avid gamers, such as word was, and as my fiancé is.
  17. Of courses it's OK.
  18. yeah I have saw many couples buying sod for each other
  19. Tbh...I don't see any problem in having a relationship in kaw ever since many people after meeting in this tap-tap game lol (one of my friend met his wifey in kaw!) but their relationship should be real..since there are many people who do rp just for various reasons which leaves many people heart broken many-a-times
  20. Todd. Watch out. I think she's coming on to you. :lol:
    Say you don't game Todd. :p