Where's all the trump haters at now? All the intellectuals that explained to us why Trump wouldn't get the nomination? News flash Cruz drops out, Trump IS your republican nominee
like MLK said, "i have a dream, that one day we build a wall and stop "illegal immigrants" from coming and make it near impossible for them to enter our country legal, and also Ban all muslims from our country and screw the freedom of religion thing cause only christians are peaceful" i think thats the quote
There are no brakes on the Trump train. Quick, post Trump memes before the liberals get here. (Also i'm not encouraging spam)
Yes yes republicans are the uneducated.... Who do all the minority welfare gutter rats, never worked, 8 kids, 4 baby daddies, vote for? Well I'll be damned they voted for Obama and always vote democrat. But ya republicans are the uneducated lmao
Serious question. How is Hilary winning the democrats? I have literally never heard someone say they support Hilary, but my life is bombarded daily with Bernie supporters. Oh yeah. Trump 2016
It's called money...the Clintons have made themselves horribly rich and connected off politics. I'm the exact same, every dem I know is a Bernie man/woman, yet she leads lol
How are any of these as asshats winning? Literally the most hated crop of candidates ever. We can't come up with anything better than this?!? My neighbor, the postman...anyone?
Or a large portion of the atheist/antitheist population and the views of "religion is a poison" Just thought that i would throw that in there because it doesn't just stop with "America"