Epic Battle Actions Count

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IB-GodlikeThreat-IB, May 1, 2016.

  1. Battle logs record in a set of actions. I believe it's around 4-5 actions before it sets it as another action in the logs.
  2. You could be correct Goofy. My addition to the support part was in line with Optimal's idea on p1, with the addition of total actions tallied as you go along in eb hitting it. This shows "true activity" moving along with the eb. Not just a few actions made, get the status of "active", then go to sleep. This is very common with ppl who think that if they are not in a clan 24/7, they are seen as inactive, are weak, and are a target. Get over that notion.
    I personally believe that all ppl who opt into pvp events not be in a clan. Does this not defeat the true meaning of pvp? So you want to be in a clan and not get kicked, to insure that when you get inc, you can self pin on eb? Why not fight back? Isn't that what pvp is? It's not, I'm getting inc, let me self pin on eb and wait for it to stop.
  3. It's Canada's fault
  4. Battle log records every 10 actions since the implementation of the repeat button. Action 1 = one post, 10 is the second etc.
  5. I see all you're points  won't affect me anyway don't care how active anyone is. People play their game how they want some might check in once a day others might check in 500 times a day that's completely up to them.
  6. Grizzly, I've seen you hate every PvE related idea in forums regardless if they are a great improvement or just a slightly better suggestion. We get it, you don't like ebs. Ebs never stopped nor killed PvP. Looking back at kaw as it was ebs were a much needed improvement. If kaw was strictly PvP new players would never stay. One bad move & your stripped by a alliance. How is that fun for anyone trying to grow?

    Support to this ideal, its a much needed improvement that clans could definitely use. Players joing large clans & hitting the eb once or twice then going inactive is a realistic problem. Most clans require 150 hits per 12 hour eb. This isn't a lot to ask. A couple unloads (2-3) in 12 hours. It takes less time to unload on an eb than to unload on a target.

    Same standards apply to stripping clans, if your not pulling your weight you get booted. If you can not maintain decently close levels of activity then you shouldn't be at a clan that has a requirement for a minimum action.

    Promos do kill loyalty, however if you are loyal to a clan a decent amount of activity is expected. Hitting 130-145 times on a 150 hit min is passable. However hitting 30-50 per eb is a waste of a spot regardless of your cs.

  7. I fully support this. Communication is the key. And not just because grizzy- and I are in same clan do I support him also. We rarely chat in cc and usually have diffrent opinions. But on this topic I fully back griz as well. This is not needed imo. I have been in other clans as players and as admin. Communication is your problem. Not inactivity... learn your peeps. If they don't hit now, probably won't hit later and are dragging you down forever so a counter wont fix lazy or unloyal...just merge now and restructure if you struggle that much. I have always had the opinion people try to start clans before they have the support they need. An eb counter does not establish loyalty and or support. Plenty of pvp players hit eb when we need it and plenty of eb players hit pvp as the clan needs. Communication
  8. I hit EB's if I didn't I would be left behind 

    I think you're missing the point carry on.
  9. To Posty n Grizzy

    Implementing the eb action counter wouldn't hurt anything. Yes communication needs to be real item to keep a clan together.

    The whole principle of how loyalty works in a clan will vary. More detailed logs simply gives a useful tool to help depending on a clan's chosen structure.

    Alot of clans use Battle record on a user's profile to track activity level. The trouble of course is this doesn't show spy actions.

    I think profiles should show Spy Actions as well.

    I know some only use kaw now more of a social deal than ebs or pvp. Some now only "play" the forums.

    I remember when we used to get details in clan log like Bob has Kicked Sam from clan.

    Merc Clans in alot of ways can hold the advantage in events as they go for 3hr or less ebs.

    As for osw n the like its mostly dead as well.

    Kaw has done well during its life cycle but in a lot if ways it has exceeded its design limits. Little things like improved logs will help; implementing a better clan chat system would help as well.
  10. Seems to me you only read what you choose to read out of an entire statement.
  11. It was the only thing that was relevant the rest of it isn't to do with me.
  12. It's been a good discussion so far, minus a few off topic jabs. Keep this idea going for a few more opinions based on OP post
  13. Interesting concept but im concerned how it would affect lag, as you're asking for real time updates across a clan wide system
  14. Fair point maybe a 10-15 min update? Or hourly?
  15. Yeah I think thats better. Real time would seriously slow down the game.
  16. With the 15 min update time then it would be a far less intensive process which is pretty feasible to add to the game. Personally alongside this I would love to see activity over 24 hour periods within a clan shown to the warlord and war chiefs. For large clans who have high activity and quick turnaround of members this isn't an issue however it is highly beneficial for new clans which helps the game thrive.
  17. Excellent point and suggestion.