Event issues and solution

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _____NIGHTWING_____, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. No support, if I wanted big rewards I'd grow my account and compete with the bigs.

  2. You know why you chose to give up and be inactive instead? Exactly what this thread is about, it's not friendly to new players, you can't get big if you wanted to so you move on to a different game.
  3. Lolwut? I went inactive because my clan decided to close shop and my RL life was getting a bit serious and busy. I left CoC and Smash as well.
    I was doing fine other wise, with events and all. I drop built and left. This thread has nothing to do why I went inactive, so I suggest you shut your trap regarding that.
  4. Such an idiot yo
  5. Care to explain why?
  6. Keep on topic please.

  7. This thread has everything to do with you going inactive. Many people who are smalls and mids feel hopeless and decide to try other games and play those instead. Why? Because they are better balanced, they care about all their players, not just create content and advantages for bigs. People retiring or going inactive at a faster rate than new players joining the game is a problem for every game. If you don't see that, then you are very short sighted. The game is no longer new players friendly, not enough incentives for anyone to continue playing. Small and mid size clans are also being left in the dust. It becomes a snowball effect where people will leave at a faster and faster rate.
  8. It isn't easy to create and keep a game running for this long, but when the gap is this wide, and will widen even further due to REAL bigs making 4 tril a day WITHOUT xtalling. I think its fine when devs decide to gives bigs a little bit of an advantage if they don't plan on helping smalls and mids grow faster, but right now the advantage is 10- 20x greater.
  9. I think, devs are gradually giving us smalls some added incentives. But not instantly increasing the rewards, just a portion or percentage.
    As an example, the SB reward in an event a few months ago was 700 when you collect 5000. Right now, this event will give 900 SB when a player collects 5000 event items.
    It's not that discouraging, devs are just teasing us by throwing some crumbs and not the whole bread. :lol:
    Perhaps, if ATA earns more $$ from this event, there would be an increase of reward for actively playing.
    Lets admit it, this game does not cater to very young generation of player who fancies animations. So this game must cater to those who can pay or those who are enjoying it for the social aspect and having intellectualy humorous community.
  10. Are you dense? If so how much? I literally just said why I retired from kaw. If my life allows it and I find another clan that suits me, I'd gladly start playing this game full time.

    If others feel hopeless and small then they should quit, or grow. When was it NOT obvious that devs cared more about LB than new players?

    The devs have done A LOT for new players, all their LL's are unlocked and SB payout from minimal rewards are huge for their size. All they need is 5 SB's to MP when they start.

    If people are retiring and going inactive or there's not enough incentive to keep playing, that's not my problem. Games change for the better or worst and that's on the devs.

    Small clans aren't being left in the dust, there are just too many of them since every noob can just created one and thinks it's easy spaghetti to run. Mids are moving up to higher tiers, you don't have to be BC with every single top 10 event equipment just to hit asof or lotl.

    The beauty of kaw is how to struggle to get started, if you can't stick it out then go play some other game. My first 2 weeks of this game sucked but when I joined BH much after I had one of the best gaming experiences, especially when I was a 5 mil cs trying to keep top 1k during a 2 week PvP event.

    Nothing is free or easy, what is OP? A Kawmmunist?
  11. I'd like to see more diversity (I think that's the right word to use) in event's. Here's an example 5 events a day 4 hours each 3/4 hour in between.

    Quest event.

    Pretty self explanatory who can do the most quests.

    Building event.

    Who can put on the most stats.

    PvP event.

    But not like it is now whoever can take the most gold in the time.

    EB event.

    Obvious really

    Ee event.

    Would have to put in more war time slots to allow for the short event time.

    Could switch these around so different timezones are not stuck doing the same event every day. This would be a lot more fun than what it is now which is pretty boring.
  12. Awesome ideas, Grizzy! I know I don't mind the events, I just hate the repetitiveness of them. Diversity would be fun and make the game more interesting and might even keep new players more interested. Plus it can keep all different play styles involved.
  13. @op how many sb did you have before event? Now tell me how many you have after.is it more? I seriously cant go any farther than page 3 of this thread becaude now I have to go to my doctor to see if I have cancer. I have an alt that if I try can make 5k items. Im not mad that I cant hit 15k items. BECAUSE ITS A SMALL ACCOUNT and the sb ill get will drastically increase its size. Smalls shouldnt be able to hit 15k items regardless if you pay or not, thats how it is. I dont get xhow you cant get this through your thick skull I really cant understand how stupid you have to be to bot understand that there is a balance. Please stay off forums op
  14. Id also like to point out op is in a clan running asof and lotl… soooo hypocrite?
  15. As regarding tan earlier statement that this game needs to appeal to the paying customer.
    Which I totally support.
    The reward and ability to pay is at the heart of this thread.
    Currently the bigs can obtain Max tier reward for free.
    They have no incentive to spend, unless they are aiming for top 500 slots.
    Smalls however see this fact and then have a choice.
    Do I pay for what other players get for free?

    Or do I spend my money on a game that actually gives my money value.
    Both mine and com3ly's suggestions give their money more value in events.
    Whilst coml3y's system would allow the smalls to compete and obtain the same levels or closer at least through hard work it does not entirely justify paying for something others get for free.
    But it does give them better value for money than they currently get.

    My proposed system means that everyone's money during events in terms of reward tiers and items holds identical value.
    It won't solve the gold but it is not meant to. It is designed to make the events fairer.

    Where much of the objection has come in, is that the bigs currently getting Max tier prizes for free would then have to work equally as hard for rewards as everyone else.
    Activity and money would have a totally fair value during each event giving the current paying customer both incentive to spend and reward for their money.

    Remember even if you up the smaller prizes by 100 silver bars. When the bigs are growing 20x faster with every action earning much more gold and getting top prizes for free. The gap only widens and reduces the incentive to pay to play.
    A feature that is essential to the games longevity.

    So whilst some bigs may get upset about the smalls having balance in one aspect of the game. It encourages new players and existing customers more incentive to spend and those who cannot spend more incentive to be more active.

    It encourages spending from every level of player that actually need to compete with the activity and spending of other players.

    If players that currently play for free lose out slightly.
    Then sorry but they aren't helping support the game now. The current paying customer deserves to be rewarded for the money they spend today.
    And the system needs to be set up to encourage spending as well as game activity.

    Growth at all levels in encouraged by gold rewards.
    Thus far event participation and spending is not fairly rewarded.
    Leaving many players not participating and certainly not spending. As has been proven earlier on the thread.
    Not many people will pay for something that is given freely to others.
    So either the event drops need to be increased at lower levels or the drops need to be action based at a set rate for everyone at an equal level.

    King of noobs.
    1 you have missed the point totally.
    Paying customers deserve value. See the above and stating that smalls get more bars than they start an event with is ridiculous.
    If they put in more actions or more money. They deserve more event rewards than people getting items for free purely based on size.

    2 yes I am in a clan doing lotl and asof and will hopefully be the entire event.
    I don't just propose this for myself. I propose this to help every player get value for money and to encourage activity. I am busting my ass to get equal rewards that players four times my stats get for free in 3 days. Others are doing far more than me and getting far less reward. And many of them are spending more than me and getting zero value for their real money. That is not fair.

    The fact again you are a player saying that smaller or newer players don't deserve value for money or the chance to compete in events is exactly what drives newer players away from the game. It's not enough that you get more gold than them. You demand better rewards even if they contribute more to the upkeep of the game than you.

    3 you are now the third person to make a sick disgusting joke about cancer. That is completely unacceptable.
    Cancer is not a joke and your belittling others fight for life just to insult someone on a game shows exactly what type of person you are. Don't expect a civil response when others losses are a joke to you.
  16. Op is stupid, this thread needs to be quarantined. Entire system of the game would be screwed up if this was added. I highly recommend to op dropping build and quitting. Just to avoid embarrassment of making this thread.

  17.  THANKYOU for that highly constructive feedback. I shall take it under advisement and with all due consideration ignore it. Now unless you can add to the thread please remember it is against tou to flame or harass on forums. And your post is in breach.
  18. This from the what a difference a month makes thread.

    Not such a huge upset as some people are trying to make out when you think about it.