I didn't edit it? And for the thread dying out....that's a two way street you've done and said just as much to force your opinion calling everyone greedy selfish etc....it has nothing to do with an even playing field...events are already even aside from the top 100 and up where the big boys with fat wallets compete to keep this game alive for us. You just refuse to see the fact that hitting something other than an eb for events makes it all even.... The small build spends what $40 worth of xtals to get top 100 war....how much you think the lber that gets top 100 in ebs spent? But they get the same rewards the lber spent way more...so who's getting less for their money then?!
Top 100 spots. I've always said that's player discretion and pay to win. You are arguing a point for top 100 prize level that I have never argued about. Top prizes with both systems would be pay to win. But all event tiers below those top 500 places would be set and even actions required. That means you don't get the prizes for free without reasonable activity. Same for everyone else. Instead you are continuing to argue that you should get the non competitive tiers for free while others pay for the same thing you get for free. You just don't want to compete for prizes. It's that simple. Sure smalls can get the same prize as you if they pay for it. But why can they not compete for event tokens at the same activity level? Now we agree you don't like the idea. Fine. You've made that clear. Tough it's my idea. These are forums and people are allowed to post ideas. So you can waste another day arguing for your free ride to continue. Or not. Personally I have better things to do than argue with you. So leave and let others have their say. Or not. That's their choice. Not yours. Or are you too scared of letting others speak for themselves. Ps. If you and kezzer keep arguing with me on my thread. Of course I will respond to your points as absurd as they may seem. But at least one person here is trying to suggest a way to balance an aspect of the game. More than you are doing.
I'll simplify this.... You're talking about small accounts not getting as much for their money as big accounts....a big account spends $100 even $1000s for top eb rewards....a small account can spend $40 do war and get the same exact stuff...in addition because they did war they also get eb rewards on top of the war ones....so there's your even field spending even less than a lot do...to get the best rewards and it doesn't matter what size you are how much more even can you get? And they only pay for xtals if they finished quests or don't do them so theoretically new accounts just starting out can already bypass fixed tier and go straight to top 100 through war without spending anything but their time
And bigs cannot war? Not to mention not all can war at dedicated time slots. And spending is optional. So lets simplify it for you. Any stage of event. 1 action = 1 event item. Eb war whatever. So if a small spends $40 dollars he gets $40 worth of extra actions counting towards his goal. If the lb spends $1000 dollars. He gets $1000 dollars worth of actions. Subsequently your objection is corrected by this change. The top prizes will go to those ( yes inevitably top 500 go to lb ) who spend the most. But every tier below the top 500 will be attainable at a set amount of actions or cost required of every single player on the event. If. A player needs 30 more actions to jump a tier they but one xtal and they jump a tier. If they know from day one to reach level 13 the equivalent of 15,000 now they would for arguments sake need 700 actions a day then they can aim to do exactly that. Or more on days they have off allowing for when they are at work. Even the aspect you just complained about is corrected by this proposal. The only part you won't like is that your current extra and guaranteed free ride may end. Though as you say. with activity any level should be attainable. All this does is 1 level the events for all players. 2 put a value on real money spent in the game during events. Ie one regens worth of event items. Thus it makes everyone's time and money worth the same for items. Not for gold earnt. That's the perks of size. But items and only items are equally distributed on actions and the effort and expense a player puts in. Also to touch on your wall post why don't I leave this clan (aside from the odd hop ) because I am loyal to my friends and believe that this new system would reward that loyalty far more. Clan hopping would not be needed as a player is solely responsible for their own actions. And as such their own event tiers. It's not linked to what ebs a person can hit. Now I believe we have discussed every other concern earlier and they all go the same way. This is certainly not the worst proposal ever. It would in my opinion make events more competitive amongst players and promote activity which is healthy for the game. It would be more involving for players and thus a more enjoyable experience. And a fairer one for all new players to mids to build complete and lb.
Sorry but saying top builds put in no effort is just wrong lol. It's like was said before. Top builds strive for top 10/100 places. That's the challenge. Smaller builds try for the lower tiers, which is their own challenge. Eventually they'll be big enough to make 15k with ease, and their challenge then becomes the top 100 places too. Also, chocolate and kezzer are not refusing to consider your proposal. They did consider, and don't agree. Many people don't agree. Those two just outlined why they don't agree and you proceeded to turn it into a petty squabble rather than a discussion. Anyway, that's my last post here.
I've thought about this thread throughout the day and I've realized something. You're right that your idea isn't the worst idea in forums. In fact, it's not even a bad idea. I don't agree with it, so I can't say that it's a good idea but frankly, every idea proposed by the kawmunity is a good thing if it prompts discussion and ways to improve the game. The problem isn't your idea...it's how you've proposed it. It's that your writing and tone of voice make you seem like a complete jerk. Your posts are replete with this holier than thou, condescending, tone of voice. Your responses are full of insinuations and passive aggressive arguments or just flat out insults and accusations. Basically, this thread has become an argument of people that are not particularly pissed off at your idea....they're pissed off at you because of how you've responded and treated people. Next time you have an idea, good or bad, make sure to suggest it and prompt the useful discussion. However, get someone else in your clan to write it because it's really difficult to give the idea any consideration when all you wanna do is punch the author in the face because of how he's talking to you.
Who said too builds put no effort in when chasing top spots? I even point out the lb will get the top spots as they spend the most. They deserve the top 500 spots with how much they spend. They help support the game. Please don't put words in my mouth. Saying smalls only deserve lower tiers if they are putting in the same actions as a build complete that doesn't spend or worse if the small spends as well as puts in more actions. Then that is not fair. And yes I wish that certain players had not bickered so much on this thread. It could have been a much smoother discussion had players left the topic when asked, I appreciate you disagree with me and as such view me as in the wrong. However equally I view them as being in the wrong and their comments were the ones resorting to insults and totally in-appropriate images. To some of us cancer is not a joke. That image was in disgusting taste. That said the war issue came up and provided another example as to why this model would work better. That said. Thank you for the input mango.
Perhaps next time I present an idea yourself, kezzer and bacon could also show the author of the idea some common courtesy. Being insulted by multiple people for two days is not the most entertaining way to spend time on kaw. And equally you all came across on exactly the same manner to myself and others who have spoken to me about the thread. So we can both learn from that. Perhaps if the comments had been kept on topic from the start rather than so heavily objected to by two people especially that are obtaining the top tier prizes for free that are only arguing for their own reasons and not the benefit of the community, then it would have been a more civil discussion. So as I have said. It's time to let others have their say. I appreciate that you have rethought your view of the idea. Even if you don't agree with it. I am glad it made you think about the proposal.
The drop system works just fine, it rewards spenders just enough while allowing non spenders to still achieve high rewards
This idea DOES incentivise clan loyalty because it doesn't matter which eb you're running, you have an equal a chance as everyone else. People will stop running off for ASoF/LotL for the event drops. The players will stick to their clan and grow together. Activity becomes incentivised as well. Events won't be a hand out with this proposal. To make 15k with 1 item, 1 action you need 2142 actions per day. Do you realise what a chore that is? It will not be possible to achieve with out super activity and a bunch of xtals. That already happens now, so why not reward the accounts who do that but can't reach the next tier because they can't hit ASoF/LotL for the next tier? It is still a challenge. What events are about don't change because the drop pay out is slightly different. Personally, the current set up isn't a challenge for me. I know doing the ebs my clan runs I can get 5k or 7.5k if I'm lucky. Yet my activity far exceeds what I actually get. Sure I could make 15k if I ran off to a LotL and ASoF clan but I'd much rather be loyal to my clan. I'd rather they benefit from my activity. And any clan could benefit from this proposal because of the incentive it provides to stay in your clan and to ve active. You seem to be of the impression 15k will becomea walk in the park for everyone but it actually won't be :roll: It will require effort (and lots of xtals). But the difference is the BC builds will have to be super active and drop xtals too if they want it. So it won't be a handout. You want it, you work for it. Unlike the current set up: some of you will get it no trouble, some of you will work your asses of for it and the rest will work your ass off and still miss out. As for PvP and wars. I suppose it sounds easy. Just participate in those and you'll be fine! Wrong. Firstly, wars. There is ONE war time that suits my TZ and even that time does not suit my schedule. Same with PvP. I honestly would love to PvP every weekend but I can't dedicate the time for it. My RL simply does not allow it. As it does for most people. There's only one option for many people and that's hitting ebs. Now wars and PvP are fair across the board. All sorts of build participate with all sorts of effort and experience put in beforehand. Ergo, the drops should differ in the same way it differs for event eb drops. Devs can't have their cake and eat it too. Either drops are fair across the WHOLE event or they're not. I recognize PvP and Wars entail something a lot different to what eb's do. But ebs should get the same 'fair' playing field. Keep it fair across the board and no one can complain cause they didn't reach 5k, they weren't active enough.
Seriously? You respond to my comment and yet make the same passive aggressive condescending comments again? They should show the author some common courtesy? They did, you didn't. Go back and read your thread. Kezzer's first post to you wasn't condescending or personal or argumentative...your response was and then he responded in kind. All throughout this thread people have joined in with any disagreement and their initial post is not disrespectful...but your response is. Accordingly, they then respond exactly how you'd expect anyone to and it devolves into an argument. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, 17 pages of you being a jerk, it's not like you're gonna miraculously change who you are.
Thanatos stop derailing the thread further please and just leave. Ruggy my suggestion for the activity would mean that level 13 which is currently 15,000 event items would need to be revised by devs to an attainable level, that would satisfy them that players can achieve certain levels with free play with high activity, or slightly lower activity and xtal uses. This would need to be done based on their activity logs and as I don't have access to that I would personally suggest between 10 - 14 offload a day for top teirs. But devs would have a far better idea where that level should be than me.
You are no longer allowed to tell someone to leave your thread, you can however only report and hope devs feel the same way
Disagree. Eb's now pay 50% more than they used to (below TSG tier, which is 10%). Crux chests are much easier to obtain than before, and are virtually free. Free xtals from daily logins are much more common. Events are b2b2b2b2b, yielding much much much more rapid growth, with the insane amount of silver bars handed down. SS/ts/aff go super fast now in most clans, and pay great items. Please stop demanding top rewards because you click more than someone 60x your size for a week. Earn your way up, and tackle EBs you can actually hit (which yield great items if you're highly active!). I think these events have been great with the silver bar payouts helping more and more kingdoms become large enough to start taking Eb's down faster and faster! You're looking at all the negatives, and none of the positives.
Cal just a quick comment. This event I am on target for high tiers probably not 15000 on this one bit another yes. 1200 actions yesterday. Which was a tad draining. I actually do not think I will get the top prizes with the new system proposed. Nor do I demand them. I would expect to attain similar levels to my current activity and expense. I am purely looking at the aspect that some players are spending money for the same level of reward that others get for free. In a limited time promo this Seems unfair to myself. I think that this system would provide the advantages of a more competitive event system. That's all. So while I appreciate all the issues you raised on other ways to grow. Which are relate to all players. Please just understand that I do not suggest this out of greed, just a perceived current unfairness in the game relating to monetary value.
No support all is fair in love and kaw the rewards for lower tier levels increase higher than the higher tier levels! E.g. Tier 5 400sb for 750 tokens increasin to 500 for 1000 whereas tier 10 900sb for 5k tokens increasing to 1k sb for 7.5k tokens at tier 11 ....!
Personally. I don't know which bracket of players I come in. My account is close to 5 years old. I'm no where near 100milcs But all I can tell you. 15k is possible. 4K for 50 dos x 2 = 8k Plus if you're doing wars. Top 5 in plunder win or lose = 300x by how many wars there are. Also. Haunt/ destroyer are usually a lot faster than the higher tier ebs But yes. It's a lot harder. Because the fact is. Even pvp. I got around 60 pre drop with bombardment compared to some who had 100 drop. So it's hard to say, it needs rebalancing but it's need to provide more opportunities for people who is willing to put the time in. To feel rewarded enough to go for them higher goals. So maybe only switch certain ebs to pay more. The ones who pay less in plunder? That'll mean you do well in the event or grow during the event.
Coml3y Certainly an easier fix to try before trying trailing a different system, thank you for posting the idea. I certainly hope the developers consider balancing the eb item drops. There are many players that cannot war for various reasons. Balancing the drops as a first try would make the game more appealing to all players. It would not totally have the same affect as the proposed system. But it would be a good start point to test over the current system, where from my perspective and that of others I have spoken to there is little incentive to spend real money ( especially since finding out some free to play players can reach top tiers in 3 days due to size alone). It would also take nothing away from those who currently can achieve free top levels.