Event issues and solution

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _____NIGHTWING_____, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. Nightwing, your arguments have devolved to just making personal attacks at everyone who doesn't agree with your flawed thinking. Response after response you're just ranting about how selfish they are, how they hate competition, how they don't want a level playing field, how they're scared of having to give up their benefits of size, how they're bad people, how they hate smalls, etc.

    You're a fool. There's no talking sense to you and you refuse to see anything from the other side. Have a good one mate, enjoy the promo.
  2. Actually I have only become slightly agitated with two people that have on every page tried to derail the thread because they disagree with another persons view.
    I'm sure if you read their posts you would see their numerous insults and attempts to derail this thread as well as insulting every player that supports this thread.
    So if you have a problem with someone defending their idea from two people clearly out to sabotage it. Then I am sorry you are not capable of listening to others opinions.
    It's a shame that owners of threads can no longer ask players to leave threads as clearly they have no intent to discuss but just sink a thread that they don't want considered.
    They have been asked to leave the thread out of courtesy pages back. And through lack of courtesy have continually bombarded and belittled with flawed logic.
    Now we may not agree on this idea. But you are the one name calling. Not myself.
    And I'm the fool? Great logic.
  3. How is it derailment to try and explain their point of view when you just keep calling them selfish and greedy? Lol
  4. And to put this post back on show after the page rolled.
    This valid argument is stated in the opening thread. You are right. It's a shame that people do not see things from others points of view.
    Only what suits themselves.
  6. I remember when my grandfather used to smoke, everyone in my family told himm he needed to quit. I was just a kid back then, and thought he was cool. Its kinda sad because just before my older sisters graduation, he died of cancer.

    My mother and father look at us and told us to never put the family through that ever again, never to start smoking or even try it. Its all so sad and it was all for nothing, those years of never touching a cigarette.. because this thread gave me cancer.
  7. Support -

    These Promotions should be aimed to make the Game more exciting n encouraging more people to play.. The prizes represents how much you are involved in the game.. Actions is the best indicator of that. The fact that Everyone Starts out The Same make the event or any event more exciting .. Meaning Everyone has a chance on getting a nice reward. Players will put more time n efforts into the game -- online time n money.
    This is not about Entitlement, Fairness, or Belittling anyone. A BC account is the same as an new account. If you want the top prizes... Work For It !!. Most LB accounts spend money already n so to get the Top Prizes is Second Nature to them. But the new accounts willing to Max Xstal Daily on Warbeast to get the Top Prizes--- more power to them :)..
    From the Dev Perspective -- much to gain.. More ppl playing n excited about the promo-- they tell their friends n sells the game... Best form of advertisement. N happy players will buy xstals n spend money - translate to more $$
    To address those who feel cheated with these new accounts growing rapidly.. I feel the same. We worked so hard years ago on the LL. But you have to think in term of the evolution of the game. More lands n expensive buildings required that Dev allowing new account to speed up their growth.. If a new player starting n see how far they are behind-- they Quit... But the more they grow or Upgrade, the slower the CS will increased.. Translation--these noobs are Still Weaker than You.. No Worries. Need more noobs to join n play... Otherwise KAW will be another GAW...

    KAW On !!!! 
  8. It's the small and the mids that have been playing for a long time that are giving you all the resistance nightwing. They have one thing in common though, they believe that the are a "big". Realty check if you are 150m cs, you need 400+ tril to reach bc. You aren't a big, you are a quarter of their size. But because they have played for so long, they don't think anyone starting the game after them should get an easier time. They are also afraid all the new people will grow faster than them. It's obvious that they aren't that active but "think" they are really active enough too. The real bigs don't care what devs do with the smalls, they know that helping anyone grow will encourage more people to stay in the game and be engaged. More importantly, a big knows that no matter what devs do for smaller builds, they will remain big as long as they are active or spend. They don't lose anything, unlike all the near inactive mids and smalls that wants to feel more important because they put more years in a game. You'll see where this game will head to with another year of no new blood. A game won't last long when they keep rewarding long time players and can't attract new blood.
  9. Not really.....ive only been playing a little over 2 years and I plan on being BC in a few months time.... Until Nov I was only 30mcs....so growing fast now isn't an issue I'm not afraid of someone new passing me up....however if you look at his account he's "small" with over 300k actions and struggles in events even though by all accounts the time he's put in should have equated to a much larger build.... I have 140k actions and over 2x his size.... The reason for this isn't new player growth its a bitter ex mid size that doesn't know how to play the game that thinks its too hard when its not

  10. Wow that's quite the assumption.
    Struggles in events. Why yes I chase every event spending fully on my alt all the time.
    Sorry bud totally off there.
    1 I never played for growth. I always remained loyal to clans and helped others grow.
    Hence why the entire premise of my idea is to make the events fair to everyone.
    Your complaint is you won't benefit from size in event rewards any more. You would have to work hard all the time.

    That said
    On my main I normally get the top or second to top event prizes. Again when I bother. I prefer to play my own way when I like.
    And I appreciate that others should be entitled to do the same. And still be included in all aspects of the game.
    Yet another of my proposals.
    There is not one part of this proposal that damages any existing player. It merely makes the events more equal for all customers.
    Even if implemented I would attain only the level of reward that my actions would earn.
    The same as you would. And everyone else.
    No benefit other than an equal playing field.
    A proposal that accounts for all players and the longevity of the game with the attempt to both entertain and draw in both new free to play and paying customers.
    Now of course you may see that as a bad thing because your size currently dictates you have it far easier with both gold event drops and any other aspect you partake in. Like farming players you disagree with.
    But then when you have to have that much of an advantage to feel secure, when you are scared to compete and let others compete in events that in no way affects your daily gold earnings just merely means you may have to work slightly harder for same tier. Or more people are able to enjoy kaw and attain higher rewards bring fresh blood to the game.
    But please do continue to psychoanalyse me. You have been totally wrong on every account so far.
    You are reduced to insults because there is no arguing that a fair and level playing for events is a reasonable suggestion.

    Ps whether it is yourself or one of the other large players that feels the need to steal 3 times an hour. Please do continue. Obviously your argument failed. And it amuses me you reduce yourself to such a petty act. Bravo. Applause so courageous.
  11. What op doesn't realize is that 2000 silver bars for a BC player does 0. A brand new player with 100 silver bars can instantly LLBC
  12. Op realises that perfectly. If the new account puts that much effort or money into the event. Why should they not grow rapidly. As soon as they reach the higher levels of build their efforts will yield far slower growth. Those already built have their plunder advantage.
    They already have far more resources game wise.
    Why should we force small players to stay small for longer. Why should they be excluded from events. Why should they be discouraged from spending real money on the game?
    Why should we send out the message that new players aren't wanted here.
    Does 2 tril help a new build get build complete in less than a year. Not without huge spending or time. And if they achieve that. Full credit to them. But lets get them in and playing the game first.
    And lets make events more engaging to everyone.
  13. I agree with op that Lotl is dishing out way to many event items. I finished rank 1 in the mini pvp event, however being a smaller build I could only run smaller ebs such as HTE paying fairly low in items. On the other hand bigs easily grind LotL. After being ranked in top 100 after pvp event it took just a couple days till I fell down to 300 despite maintaining high activity. I'm not saying bigs shouldn't reap the rewards for the effort they put in- I just think the difference in item drops for this particular event is ridiculous.
  14. Oh a typical too afraid to post with main player bravo...that adds even further to your credibility beyond the fact that you claim growth is harder now...if you want to fix clan loyalty talk about incentives for people to stay in one clan and grow it. And then once again as was already brought out small accounts have equal chance getting the top rewards through war and pvp....tons of small builds do that already. To foster new player growth you need experienced players to teach them...not make events so that they're now hand me outs. Making drops happen for each individual hit will everything easier across the board.....I avg about 250-300+ per eb without hitting items...in the stupidly improbable chance this does happen it won't affect me....it will however take any sort of challenge away and reduces the benefit of growing to some degree
  15. Ok to respond to mango now.

    Why do I say they are greedy because they want to keep a system where one persons real life money carries more worth than that of another's

    greed (grēd)
    An excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth: "Many ... attach to competition the stigma of selfish greed" (Henry Fawcett)

    They desire more gold and event tokens than others who may or may not be more active and spending more real money than themselves.

    Why do I say they are selfish.
    They refuse to consider a change that would put all players for just one segment of the game on an even setting During limited time events.

    self·ish (sĕl′fĭsh)
    1. Concerned chiefly or excessively with oneself, and having little regard for others: a selfish child who wouldn't share toys.
    2. Showing or arising from an excessive concern with oneself and a lack of concern for others: a selfish whim.
    self′ish·ly adv.
    self′ish·ness n.

    My proposal means that those who do the most or pay the most during these events earn them most in rewards from events.
    It means that there would be a set number of actions required for every tier up until the top 500 places.

    This makes the events fair for every single paying and free playing player.
    The free players can determine the amount of actions they can do a day to aim for which prize level. The pay to play players can aim higher of course.
    More players will be able potentially gain higher rewards if the can plan daily actions or spending based on set actions for tokens. But still up until the top 500 places their actions will net the same rewards for the same cash spent.
    After that its player discretion how far they go.

    Their way. Paying customers earn less than than players that don't pay for event prizes thus rewarding people who don't put the most effort into each event.

    So if as you say I consider that a lazy and selfish attitude.
    You are right. I do.
    I think the entire kaw community should be included equally in events.
    Events should not be rigged to exclude certain players. Otherwise there is literally no point in playing the game anymore.
    No new and small players rising up to sustain kaw. And kaws future will go the way of FC far sooner.

    Oh and as if the attitude had not made it clear. As they say.
    The truth will out.

    Kezzers real objections to this proposal stem entirely from this

    Ps. Thanks bacon that's off your wall. Nice insults back and forth about myself. Very mature.
    But you provided the truth as to your argument.
    You don't want the free ride to stop.
    Now you have had your say. Run along to another thread.
  16. Nightwing, go back to playing Minecraft or saying "damn daniel" or whatever it is that 10 year olds do nowadays. You are literally making me lose a chromosone.
  17. Is this considered a small build? He doesn't even agree with you lmao
  18. I'm staying on topic you can't ask me to leave sorry buddy....another reason why events are like this is because its free to play but pay to win.....that said there's always people that have experience time and previous money spent to figure out how to play to win without spending....and there's nothing stopping anyone of any size from doing that....is it harder for smaller builds yeah sure but its not impossible...if I spend $100 I get 15k if I spend nothing I get 15k if a small build spends $100 in pvp they get 15k if they are super active and war like crazy they might possibly get the top 100 war rewards for much less than $100 so your argument is entirely invalid because it can be done its been done and it will continue to be done
  19. Isn't it funny that you expect me to agree with you? When I have said we never will. And yet you still try enforce your opinion on everyone.
    Now if you and your chum stopped bumping the thread if it had that little support it would have died by now.
    But you have to insult a person to try and get your opinion over. Just because as stated, you do not want to compete on an even level.
    You want to keep the free rewards you currently get whilst others pay for them.

    Well glad that seems fair to you bud. We don't agree. You don't have to agree with me. You've had your say. So run along. Let others have their say. Without you and kezzer on every page telling everyone else what they must think, just so you get continue getting free rewards.
    If people agree or not is their choice. Not mine or yours. So let others have that choice. Or do you intend on harassing everyone that posts on this thread?

    Ps. Love how fast you edited that last post.