Event issues and solution

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _____NIGHTWING_____, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. Activity is rewarded already actually.... Because smaller accounts have it better in wars....so they can just war their way to the top tier and in addition get unique equip....you can get 500 event drops per war that's 3 a day for 10 days you have another 5 days worth of wars to catch up if you missed those plus ebs inbetween.. And no you don't need to spend for wars....because small accounts likely have not done quests which guess what if doing for the first time gives a butt load of free xtals and you have a chance at getting your xtal back or even an extra one each time you war
  2. An extra xtal from war?
  3. My responses marked with an 
    I'm not separating that many flawed quote points.

  4. If you win there's a small chance to get 2 back
  5. That's not in place any more.
  6. That's IF you war and IF you win. But in this case, it potentially rewards activity. Which is what Nightwing is talking about.
  7. You sure about that cuz I've gotten 2 from a war since the start of the year
  8. I war 2-3 times a day (no I don't have ee because I keep losing ) yes I'm sure about that.
  9. Life is not fair bro. U asking for kawsocialism? Lol. Obviously where he heading so I stopped at this one
  10. Sorry NIGHTWING, you're just wrong and your thinking is flawed. I'm sure you're very convicted about your belief but that doesn't make it any more correct.

    That guy that paid thousands of dollars to build his account and spent all that time isn't "getting his rewards for free" while you're having to spend....he's already spent the time and money. I'm not sure how you can't seem to grasp that. You've played this game for 4.2 years (your account is 1532 days old) and you're in here arguing about why those big accounts are getting more than you? Maybe a better question is why aren't you one of those big accounts?
  11. The 2 xtal thing is like a sod drop....we eb several times a day but how many do we get?
  12. I don't think he gets it. I've said it like twice. Those big accounts make more because they've either spent alot more on this game or put a ton of effort into this game. Now they are simply reaping the benefits of that.
  13. .

    I see your point...but I don't quite agree. KaW is about builds and about activity (just generally). Events are about activity (IMO). Ergo, the most active should get the most rewards. This doesn't mean the effort BC accounts have put in is disregarded, it means they still have to put in effort to get the best rewards.

    You argue that it disregards the effort BC put in to BC. Yet the current set up disregards smaller accounts that put in the effort to get better rewards but fail. Events are not determined on how well you do in KaW over a 5 year period. It's about how well you can do in a 2 WEEK PERIOD. The most active should get the better rewards.

    Going on your CEO and file clerk example. Of course they shouldn't be getting paid the same. But would they not still be rewarded for their effort? If the CEO decides to show up for 1 hour every day and the file clerk puts in 12+ hour days (actually being productive), is that okay? I mean, that guy has been working for 30 years, right? Who cares if he's doing nothing now, so long as he did something at one point :roll:

    Nightwing's suggestion does not throw the effort of BC accounts out the window. They will still be BC at the end of the promo. They will still be the biggest accounts. They will still be making the best gold. And they can STILL get the best rewards. The only difference is they have to be really active. Activity should be rewarded. BC are still miles ahead. That doesn't change because events are about activity.

    Consider this, what's more valuable: one BC account in your clan that unloads once a day if they can be bothered. Or 10 10M CS accounts that are unloading 10+ times a day every single day? I'd rather have a bunch of small growing accounts than one who essentially does nothing.
  14. Let's be honest. Everyone deserves the same! The part timer deserves same as full time. The laborer deserves as much as a journeyman. The ceo doesn't do anything so he shouldn't get paid. Solution. Don't step your game up too much! !!
  15. Thank you OP for the thoughtful analysis of a well-known issue. As you expected the community response was going to be predictably reflexive, rather than rationally analytical.

    There is a common assumption that lb players pay the most to play, but no one outside ATA has the evidence to back that assumption. We know from wc announcements that there are frequent Battle Cries being used. They are not all for top tier clans. And having exhaustively analysed the consequences of opening new lands and the new bc stats it is unlikely that top tier clans are buying SoDs, more likely using the free ones given as rewards for dominating the event leaderboards.

    Lotl and Asof already give massive gold plunder, but devs saw fit to also give massive event drops, well out of proportion to the individual effort required to participate. If the event drops for those ebs were revised downwards to be in proportion this is still not a level playing field: because of eb difficulty based plunder bc accounts gain substantially more than a mid-level player running a smaller eb. I'm fine with the gold: the plunder alone is a fair reward for the investment in being bc. But it is not fair to simultaneously increase the event drops out of proportion to the majority of ebs knowingly excluding the participation of the majority of players.

    Small players do already compete on equal footing with bc players through pvp mechanisms: small players get exactly the same items per war win and per war action. During pvp blitz a small player gets the same basic 25 item hitting an equal-sized opponent as a bc player receives for hitting their equal-sized opponent.

    It is therefore incredulous to insist that bc players should receive event drop advantages simply because they're bc. The plunder is their 'due'; not an unbalanced weighting of event drops in their favor. Event lbs should be determined by participation, unweighted by size.

    However I am getting incredibly cynical about ATA who created this unbalanced and new-player hostile environment. There is ample evidence that they do not think through the consequences of their designs before implementing; the bugs in previous events are evidence of inadequate or non-existent testing; our idea threads are ignored; our passion for improving access to the game unmatched by corporate priorities. ATA want the game to die out, but first they'll keep the whales spending by introducing repetitious and low-cost content. In the end the failure to attract new spending customers and the gradual inactivity of older players will combine into a KAW death spiral. And they won't care because they haven't demonstrably cared for years.
  16. And you are assuming that others will jot put that same effort and time in.
    Certainly with this spending model their is no incentive for them to put the money in. And that's what you fail to comprehend. It will be the same lb players carrying the game with little new blood as
    One especially if they read some opinions on here they will realise they simply aren't welcome.
    Two there is no value to their expense.

    3 you are completely ignoring that when the current crop of players that are all bc started all those years back that all spending was far more even as the builds were so much smaller. There was less disparity.
    Something you completely overlook now.
    And again none if the objectors can give one valid reason why one players money should be worth so much more than another's

    I'm glad I didn't suggest changing the gold payout to match xtal spending. The tears at that thought.
    But I get you don't want balanced competition in limited time events in kaw.
    You don't want small or new players.
    And no one that hasn't served their time is worth anything to you. Got it.
    And that those who spend now don't deserve a shot st rewards from events even though they currently fund the game now. Players like myself that pay to play today. Up until today anyway.
    We should, see out money as a waste not spend and not support kaw. We should get no value on one small part of the game. Far too much to ask for.
    Thankfully kezzer and Ashton don't speak for everyone. And neither do I. But at least I am prepared to propose a way to make events fairer.
    Though I did expect opposition from those that feel they would lose out if they have to put the same effort in as those smaller players that have to do so much more for the same thing that others get so easily.
  17. Agree with this. Great response!! :)
  18. No support. I have not hit ASOF or lotl until this week, and have made the max reward every time except for the last one before the current event. There's no reason someone who's been playing for a couple weeks should get 2k bars. I've been playing for a few years on this account, and I didn't get 2k bars for free, in fact I don't think they had them...
    Anyways, bad idea, no support
  19. It's not for free. You'll likely still have to spend something to make 15k. Unless you participate in PvP. Or you're very active. Either way, you're putting time and effort in and possibly spending too so it isn't for free.

    And the 'I didn't get that when I started' argument, really? It cost 500T to BC when you started, did it? 18T to max one building? 5 sets of lands? I didn't think so. Stop comparing KaW now to KaW 3+ years ago. It's a very different game.

    If someone who has been playing for a couple weeks manages 15k then good for them. They shouldn't be pushed aside because of their build. They've either spent a lot or have been super active. I'd say either way it benefits KaW.
  20. A couple things I see about this that I would counter.

    Firstly, you state, "Events are not determined on how well you do in KaW over a 5 year period. It's about how well you can do in a 2 WEEK PERIOD." I think you're wrong and I think that's the fundamental basis of this thread. Currently events are tied directly to how well you do in KaW in the past. It's not just tied to how you do in a 2 week period. What Nighwing is asking for is the devs to set it up so that it's how you do during that 2 week period.

    Secondly, your adjustment to the analogy is somewhat correct but I don't think it leads to the assertion you're making. If anything, it back up my point. If the CEO shows up 1 hour a day and slacks off and the file clerk works 12 hard hours a day...the clerk still shouldn't get the CEO's pay and benefits. However, given enough time of doing that....the clerk can work his way up to the CEO's position is likely a lot less time than it took the CEO who didn't work hard.

    Same in kaw, if a LB account slacks off on the promo and a smaller account works like crazy...the smaller account shouldn't get the same rewards. However, if they both do that for enough promos, the smaller guy will grow much faster in a much shorter period of time, and eventually will pass the LB account. I know many will claim that can't/won't happen but it will, I've seen it. There are many accounts in Sucker Punch who are much younger than mine, have less battle wins, etc, and have blown past me in stats. Can you do it in a week or a month? No. But in a year or two you can pass someone who has played for 4-5 more years than you have.

    Thirdly, obviously 10 very active accounts are more useful to a clan than one big account that only unloads once a day. That's not the point really and it's fairly irrelevant as there are very very very few leaderboard accounts that only unload once a day. That's kinda the key...they got there by being very active and they stay there by being very active.

    I guess the main underlying issue here is that folks supporting OP want promos to be based solely on activity. Thinking that promos are based on activity currently is not correct. That is a factor....but activity isn't the only thing that is taken into account. If you assume that promos are based solely on activity, like you've said, then any assumptions/conclusions made after that end up flawed because your basic premise is incorrect.