Event issues and solution

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _____NIGHTWING_____, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. You clearly don't understand that the gap is there for a reason. Small players earn less but relative to their size they earn a lot more. This enables them to close the gap and progress. I am not going to argue this fact any more because clearly you aren't getting it.

    I help small players out all the time and have an alt myself. I know as a fact how heavily in favor these events are for small players. Big players get bigger rewards but in comparison to their size they actually receive a lot less. I earn around 1t a day at my size so event rewards for me is basically the same as 4-5 days worth which is very nice. The amount a small player earns is usually more than a months worth depending on their size.

    Also in regards to your comment about how hitting lotl and asof is just hitting a button. All actions in this game is hitting a button. As I have said I want to help new players grow and events are already helping with that but there has to be a balance and small players earn less. If they want more they grow. Small players are competing to get as high a tier as possible. Bigger players are competing to get top 100/50/10. I am aiming for top 100 but bigger players than me earn more which makes it harder. Am I complaining? No because I understand the balance.
  2. Haha, Kezzer has been rekt by wannabe batman!

    Robin is obviously winning this with his clearly impeccable logic, and Kezzer's logic is certainly flawed and Kez should just listen to Nightwing as he has THE ANSWERS.
  3. I half support, rewards should be based on overall activity not ability to hit a bigger EB, but...

    Rewards have become stupid in size so a formula to take into size of kingdom so rewards become a two step process something like:

    Activity Count Puts you into Reward Tier - everyone on same "fair" playing field.

    activity x Stats CS puts you into payout category. So everyone gets size appropriate payout and stated EQ.
  4. Ah I get ya so the bigs get less and the smalls get more awesome 
  5. Please name one small account that got 15,000 event tokens in 3 days for free.
    Please explain why the gap needs to get increasingly larger.
    Smalls getting 100 bars bigs getting 2000
    It was you that said that players needed more experience. So why then argue all ebs are only hitting a button. You just defeated yourself.
    And currently your argument is more damaging to small players than any help you could offer them, as you are arguing against making an event easier for them to participate in and give them a real value for any money they might spend on this game.
    Money that continues to support this game. And money that is needed to keep it running.
    Arguing that some players should get something for free whilst others pay is the most damaging argument I can think of.
  6. Spending money is voluntary it is up to the user, hte pays double what Asof/Lotl does so that kind of equates the sb difference. So I don't get how paying customers are losing out. Also it makes me laugh how you said "Limited Time Event" they usually only have a day gap between each.
  7. What I don't like is how much a big player gets for nobility compare to me when we are buying the same thing for the same price. Crystals even these players probs get 10x more than me off of a crystal than what I do. I don't go into a shop and buy a chocolate bar for example 10x smaller than the guy got in front of me that's a foot taller for the same price.
  8. Pretty much sums it up.

    Kaw is free to play, but pay to win. If you're paying, you won't be a small account.

    You can't really blame this on the players at this point, it's what the devs have made this game into.

    You don't seem to understand that some LB spends 1,000,000 gold pieces, whilst some other players spend 1,000 gold pieces.

    If smaller players were spending anywhere some LBs are, they wouldn't be small.

    Bigger players have either spent more or have put more effort in to the game to become bigger. Thus they reap the benefits.

    Also, i have a cow named Betsy, how many magic beans can i get?

    /Lock thread *Moonface*
  9. Hte is not free. Asof and lotl are free and the bc can run these b2b and in 3 days be at 15,000 event items. They have no requirement to spend beyond trying for top 500 slots.
    Smaller accounts as you rightly point out could pay for hte and run 12 ( based on my size to equal my asof or lotl drops ) hte to earn max drops with 2 xtals in each eb or all items from bar for max drops. This would require a substantial real money expense to earn something that other players currently can obtain for free.
    As such your argument just proves that smaller players would have to spend huge amounts of money to get the same 15,000 items that they paid nothing for.
    Also of the lb ran the same hte they would still earn massively more plunder than myself again devaluing my money.
    Regarding back to back events. The equipment on offer is unique to each event.
    And the prizes though the same in silver bars are only paid once per event. As such each event only widens the gap ever more disproportionately.

    Exactly my point grizzy. Thank you.
    It is also where if I were to be rude I would point out that other games sell gem packs that have equal value and cost to all players.
    But here I just think that for events the token / item chasing should be equal.
  10. One the point is that people are getting prizes for free while others have to pay. Please read properly next time.
    Two. It's not your thread. You are not allowed to request a lock.

  11. Take this as a typical console/PC RPG game with a Max level of 100....just starting out you dont go doing arch demon hunting for lv 100 armor and weapon sets when you're level 2....that's not how it works you get the equipment and gold proportionate to your size and time spent in the game
  12. As I have said small accounts aren't meant to get top rewards. I am done arguing seeing as you don't understand how game balance works. I fail to see what the issue is with small players earning rewards which are more scaled to their size.

    Anyway enjoy:lol:
  13. Are you kidding me? Nothing is for free, how did you think they got so big? Magic freaking beans? They grew their accounts (a lot of effort) or most likely did hte now and then or B2B. Now they are simply reaping the benefits.

    Do you even moonface?
  14. Nightwing, your facts are just wrong and your assumptions based on those facts are wrong. However, without touching on those just yet, because frankly I think Kezzer has explained those issues quite well and you just aren't willing to listen....your attitude is flawed.

    You have couched your argument in this "make it fair for all" context that at first glance appears that you're asking for justice, and what's right, and all of the other good motivational things that folks fight for.

    However, what you're really asking for is....give me more of something that I haven't worked for and that others have. You're saying "Stop rewarding effort and bring those who have worked harder, spent more, etc., down to my level because I'm too lazy/busy/cheap/[fill in the blank] to catch up to them."

    Kezzer's analogy of the two guys working but one has more seniority is the right idea but isn't quite spot on. Perhaps a more accurate analogy is two people working for the same company, one is the CEO with 30 years of tenure, and the other is a teenager starting with the company as a file clerk. The file clerk obviously won't get the same rewards for his 8 hour day as the CEO, even though they're both spending their day shuffling paperwork. Those leaderboard accounts have put the kaw equivalent of a lifetime of work into their build and someone that hasn't put in that work simply shouldn't receive the same returns for their efforts.

    You argue that you are rewarding effort because your setup puts everyone on an even playing field and their effort determines their finishing place. That sounds great....except that your proposal completely ignores the 5-6 years of effort that those accounts put in before the guy who showed up last week and started the game. You and Kezzer are making the same basic argument, that effort should be rewarded. You're just arguing that all prior effort should be ignored in this case and he's arguing that prior effort should be considered and taken into account.


    On a side note, you won't make 15K drops in three days with no xstals or crux chests. Maybe one guy you talked to did and he stayed up all night or something but I help run the biggest clan with the fastest ebs....and I can tell you that at 3 days in, those that had big drops like that had used xstals and cruxes to get them. You just can't do it with regular hitting...I know, because I have been. I'm fine with 15k and so I'm not dropping goodies to get higher. I unload all day every day because my job allows me to play on my work PC. With my normal 12-14 unloads per day I was sitting at around 7k items at day 3.

    I saw another thread recently about balancing out the game that made similar claims that huge accounts could get 1300 drops per lotl/asof with one unload. They were wrong too, without cruxes and other bonuses to add to it, you simply cannot get drops like that.

    Also, the idea that the promo rewards somehow increase the gap is again flawed. As Kezzer and many others have pointed out, there has never been more ability to grow quickly in kaw than there is right now. In one promo I can hit 15K and get my silver bars and do.....one upgrade. A smaller account can hit 5k or 10k and double their CS. Given enough promos, a small account can be very large (relative to what they were before) in a ridiculously short amount of time. You will never get sympathy about how long it takes to grow nowadays from folks that spent 4 years getting up to 16m CS. Now that takes a matter of weeks.
  16. Events are not about builds. Events are about collecting items. It is logical that who ever is the most active, stands to get the most items. I see it in my own clan, BC builds come in for the last 10% of an eb, hit 30 times and get more drops than accounts who have hit 500+ times. Present it any way you want, that's not fair. BC or not, events should be about activity.

    A fair point was raised about how small builds get the amount of gold that corresponds to their build. That's fair enough. But the cost to BC is, what, 500T? So let's say they get to the 15k reward tier using Nightwing's suggestion and they get the 5T in bars. Events last two weeks. There are 52 weeks in a year. At most that means there'll be approximately 26 events a year. So 26*5T = 130T. That's one third of how much it costs BC? By the stage they reach there, there'll be more lands anyway. It BARELY closes the gap. All it does it makes growth easier and more enticing for players starting out. BC will still be massive accounts and everyone else will still be trying to catch up.

    Nightwing's proposal offers something the current set up doesn't: it values ACTIVITY. Do you realise how much that could mean for clans these days? Maybe everyone won't jump ship for ASoF/LotL. Good job if you're BC, you got there. But I see no reason why that should exempt you from being as active. Congrats you can jump from clan to clan, hit 30 times and get 500 drops. Clans don't need that. They need active accounts. Nothing will promote activity more than 1 action, 1 item. BC accounts will still get 15k. They just have to be really active to get it.
  17. I get that you think small players money is worth less than other larger players. Yes I got that point.
    When you next buy 60 litres of petrol / gas and come out with 10 litres. Don't complain. It's just scaled to the personal value of your dollar.

  18. Thank you. Much appreciated feedback.
  19. It would mean 2142 actions a day. You'd need xtals. But if you were able to be that active every day (with some xtals), you should be rewarded for it. At the end of the day, it barely closes the gap anyway.