Clan Message System

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ThePitMaster81, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. I thought of a new message system for clans where War Chiefs and Warlords can send out a clan wide wall post. Rather than just using CA there should be a way to send out a direct message to every member in the clan at once, this would be helpful for say rule updates or for activity checks. Whatever the purpose this direct line to message everyone in the clan could be extremely useful.
  2. I like it, support
  3. Think hard enough and maybe it'll happen LMAO
  4. Think someones been hitting 4/20 too hard lmfao
  5. Sounds like a good idea, but a lot of work for devs, so good luck with that
  6. It has been suggested before several times. Chances are this will not happen.
  7. It's been suggested but i still support it
  8. Or maybe have the notifs similar to those of pimd where new ca's are displayed when your phone is locked. I'm not sure if it's implemented here already or not. My ca hasn't changed since I joined LOL
  9. says the one that doesnt know how to recognize a good idea. i do hit 420 hard but atleast it helps me come up with ideas rather than trash some elses :lol:
  10. Yeah that would help esp ecially when u are doing ebs that have items bars needing to be maintained in a certain region so ppl don't accidentally hit them
  11. yeah, that guy is a noob
  12. Support this 100% it's a hassal at times
  13. U wANnA gO m8
  14. yeah i know lol
  15. Good idea? Your idea is terrible. Giving some random guys the power to spam? No thank you. If posting walls one by one is too much for you then do the right thing and disband your clan. Okay? Thank you and goodbye.
  16. And this guy is a jerk
  17. And this one is skinney!
  18. Support
    But unless the devs see a way to gain money from it, good luck
  19. It costs 500 nobs to use... Once