Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for banning someone with a part of their name
  2. Banned for bringing this thread back from near dead!
  3. Banned for hating on this thread while playing the game
  4. Banned for abusing your ban power ;(
  5. Banned for not giving a reason to ban me :eek:
  6. Banned for being a tryhard
  8. Banned for using bright colors :( my poor eyes
  9. God the nostalgia when I saw this, most of you probably don't remember me, this thread was completely disregarded and nobody bothered to look at it because Kaw was just full of so many haters.
    Moment I reset and name changed, people actually looked.

    point is. so many haters. Are they still here?
  10. What a silly question to ask
  11. Banned 4 not banning the op
  12. Fascist* :3 banned for banning someone who didn't ban op
  13. Banned for banning someone for banning for a legit reason in their ban!
  14. Banned for banning someone who banned a person for banning for a legit reason
  15. Banned 4 quoting the bat
  16. Banned for not quoting tha dog!

  17. Banned for saying "tha dog".
  18. Banned for caring
  19. Banned for being a hypocrite