I apologize if this has already been discussed. I would like to see a change to the Battle Cry option since it seems to be here to stay. I like to cast a BC for my clan and myself while on bonus but find it annoying that half of it gets wasted. I realize devs won't change the timer between ebs but surely there is a way for the BC to pause between the beginning and end so it doesn't wait 15 min. So devs please consider adding more value to my 59 noob purchase by letting it start and stop to coincide with the eb times so my hour isn't cut down to 30 min. Thx midge
Have you seen the BC spam in wc? It's already bringing in a ton of cash for the smelly apes. No chance in hell they're going to give more.
I like the idea, but unfortunately this particular problem really only exists with clans doing ebs super quick. Most clans don't have this issue and the ones that do, are buying plenty bc anyway so the devs won't be in a rush to help them. It would be nice however if this did happen. Losing the 15 min between ebs is annoying considering we spend so much for so little
BC cost 59 nobs, the eb clock thing is 15 minutes. That is 1/4th of the time on battle cry. 59รท4=14.75 nobs, Devs should return either 14 nobs Or Give 1nob per minute wasted on eb start up clock It should not count to help refund if you A) FF the eb B) the time between an eb ending and eb start click C) I didn't get this far /The /End
Support, back when zta was running a couple weeks ago when a BC was castes the eb ended within half an hour so the BC was wasted, very annoying and cheap of the devs.
I fully support this! Also, if you can bring down the cost value of the Battle Cry to about 15 Nobility Points, OR, make it that the battle cry gives out an extra 100% plunder instead of 25% it would be great and help the many players in the game! More people will buy it for sure! You can just imagine how buying a seal is more worth it compared to buying a battle cry on the same nobility price!
Personally I think this is a bad idea. 15 nobility is too cheap and 100% is too much. 25% is quite a lot especially if you are already doing high paying ebs especially HTE. On LOTL i earn around an extra 200m gold per hit thanks to the BC cast and it makes a huge difference. If you earn 100m normally an extra 25m on top is a huge boost.
Changing of BC % or length isn't needed honestly. I just think that the time between ebs should freeze the timer.
Support I agree with op. I always thought that 25% was not enough. I understand that it's for upto 100 members but for 59 nobs 100 clan members will not cast them. Seems like a money grab that will become unsustainable when people like myself would rather not drop them. I have dropped just to help my clan but never once felt I got any Value from my money.
I think it makes sense to pause bc between ebs In the long run - ppl will spend more - buy more bc - buy more xstals - buy more nobs for zta Rather short sighted not to do this
Full support. Have mentioned this myself to the apes. You pay for an hour you should get an hour. Pause the BC timer when an eb ends and resume it again when the eb countdown clock reaches 0. Shouldn't be too difficult at all.