Support. SupportSupportSupportSupportSupportSupport. SupportSupportSupportSupportSupportSupport. SupportSupportSupportSupportSupportSupport. SupportSupportSupportSupportSupportSupport. SupportSupportSupportSupportSupport
You have 751.42b out, you make an upgrade which equals 10.034% (of a 7t upgrade) how do I somehow pay tax on something I can't. If you could only upgrade what involved gold and tax, there would be 10.97938% upgrades. :/ maybe 1%, 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 100% upgrades. With no tax involved.
I don't think tax is necessary. I have 40 free lands with nothing on them, if I get stripped I can just build buildings on them. Tax free. So are you going to petition for buildings to be taxed now? Support OP
This game has so little pvp that i only see a small benefit for people who do the weekend pvp things bc people who do indi are generally smaller so its not as much for upgrades so ill give this 2% support
Yet devs don't say about this method and most of us have no problem with golds, so bank gold is a solution. Bank Golds into bronze or silver bars and we lost 25% when sell and get it back. Is 25% big deal? No, we hit pvp, pve, osw to get it back. Even, strip someone else. Lol
NO SUPPORT. This is a war game. U keep gold out, you get into osw or pvp than its obvious you will HIT! would defeat the whole purpose of this game!
I actually think might be a good idea. But! I do want to know, what about the stats? Would we get a percentage of stats per part we place down? Or no stats until finished? If we did get stats per part then we would have lots of spacey stats, would be only problem.
Different scenario. You would be paying the full cost to put up a full building on an empty land. OP is stating partial completion, thus you are able to stay near 0 gold and don't need to save to larger amounts. As for PvP, I think it may increase the amount of ppl in wars, but that's just a perception. OSW in particular would be more negatively affected I think, as one could just bank all gold from a strip into a building, thus avoiding being stripped of the gold. Yes this can be done by buying allies or bars, but those can be vulnerable or have a larger fee (25% in case of bars) while a building is not vulnerable to be taken and does not have as much a tax. I'd feel a certain portion should be taken just to make it not as appealing as the full amount being added if it's in pieces and to reduce inflation. If you'd rather save the full amount, then that's an option too. Just my thoughts. Edit; assuming OP isn't thinking of changing it so you are no longer able to put up a full building as you can now at the full amount.
I thought about that, giving out a percentage of stats out as the build progresses, but it would only complicate it. So you get stats only at 100% completion.
@Fury, I believe a tax would be right, because people in PvP bank into bars with a 25% loss at the moment. So choosing to not build the building in a single go should have a penalty too. Maybe a 10% extra cost if the user decides to build in parts.
Indeed this is a war game. Yet you choose to EB more than war. Matter of fact, you're running chests as I write this. You've been tapping EBs more than anything else. Is that in spirit with war? Shouldn't you focus on only PvP then? :roll: This idea is not a solution to avoiding incoming, neither is it due to a hypothetical fear of it. It's merely a suggestion to see if building in parts progressively would be better than in whole, considering the build upgrade amounts these days. If I wanted to EE everyday, I would have to bank funds in bars and stove off upgrades till I cease to EE. I don't think participating in EE or PvP should come with the handicap of not being able to upgrade. So if you're going present an unintelligent bias with your posts due to your clan affiliation, I'd rather you not say anything at all. Thank you.
@Knight I'm saying if this is implemented, there should be a tax. The part that should not have a tax is if you build the building as we do now (full building for the full cost). If it's built in pieces, then yes, the 10% (or whatever number for that matter) tax works. But if it's built all together at once (as opposed to over time), then there should not.
No Support. You're crying because you're losing gold and can't upgrade as quickly as you'd like too. Well, too bad. Must go take a dump on your stable.
It's funny people are crying to help new players progress faster. Most suggest ideas that create more inflation and exploitation via bots or alts used to transfer gold. This idea with tax creates a gold sink allows new players to grow even with pvp, it gives incentive to genuine accounts not just looking to transfer gold. You can already bank in bars for 25% which players that are build complete will still have to do. Make the tax 12.5% so in essences your getting a 12.5% tax break for growing. I support a version of this idea.