Balance game out for smalls (30m cs to 100m cs)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Sweet_Serenity, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. There is something wrong with the balance of the game when devs are only creating content and events for the bigger accounts in kaw. They leave out all the mids, the smalls and the new players. Big accounts are already getting 15 to 20x more gold per hit then us. They grow a lot faster and the difference in size between them and everyone else will keep increasing. Even in events, it's impossible for me to compete with them. They can unload twice on asof/lotl and get 1300 drops, while I need to unload 10 times for the same amount. So events are obviously made easier for bigger accounts also.

    Now people are going to say - they are big because it took them a lot of money and a few years to get that way. Yea I understand that, but if you want the kaw community to grow you can't expect all the new players to play 4 years before they can start competing in events and making a lot of gold. Most games that are successful and out for a long time understand this too. They make previous levels much easier and faster to achieve, people are only excited if they can upgrade quickly. Bigs make a few tril a day and see upgrades daily atm, while smalls are only making 100b a day, you really expect them to stick around until they get big? If you wondering why you are slipping 100 ranks a year for the last three years on the top grossing chart, it's because you don't know realize the importance of new players, and keeping them. This game is no longer friendly or fun for new players like it was just three years ago.
  2. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    it doesn't take 4 years you can grow an acct big enough to compete in events in a 3 month time frame. It's easier now to grow accts then it ever was.
  3. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    Who do you see in the top 500 that has played for three months?

    You've been playing over a year and not even 40m cs. You can't make top 1k even if you wanted to. And 4 years was an exaggeration. Probably take 2 and a half to get to 150m cs now.
  4. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    Just have fun, who cares how big your acct is? I don't.
  5. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    The way you play or enjoy game does not mean others play and enjoy the same way.
    What dp said makes perfect sense. Most fun of the game is when your near bc. If we don't get new people in the game this game is dead. To keep new people interested Devs need to give them big incentives which are free.
    Like 1k sb on 1st week 2k on 2nd week and so on. Plus increase plunder for smalls so they can grow faster.
    Make events hits and activity based not plunder based.

    Devs need to make changes before it gets too late and no new player wanna join kaw.
  6. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    On another game I created a load of farms and sold resources for speed ups and things. Same goes for here if you don't want to spend don't be a lazy ass and whine about things.
  7. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    They have already given them incentives they get all ll a starter pack and 50% extra on ebs. I didn't get that its easy to grow a new acct now especially with events.
  8. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    Only thing I see that needs changing is add a actual decent tutorial (it could guide you along for a week or whatever), daily login rewarded to keep people coming back and ads we need ads.
  9. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    The devs have already done a lot for new accounts. I remember the excitement I had when I bought my last land on low lands this is now given straight away.

    The ebs have had a plunder increase to help drive growth which was focus on the lower tier ebs.

    Buildings have been knocked down in price and some have been split into more levels for easier growth.

    I have no problem growing at my own rate.:)
  10. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    When there were only lower lands everyone was making less so could keep up with each other. But now look at plunder difference between a ll only
    Player and osmon rai bc player. Game has lost its balance. Giving out ll free and 50% spell for a week is nothing. Decrease prices of lands and buildings on all the lands by half for new players atleast.
    Guys I'm almost bc on osmon rai I have nothing to gain from this. I'm just trying to come up with ideas to put new life in kaw. No new players no kaw
  11. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    You sure are butthurt over these events. No 9 in this CR made top 5k in 1st event doing t1-t3 ebs and have barely missed top 5k in other events by less then 100items (stop caring or trying hard) ...I'm not trying to make top anything in these events I just don't have the RL time for it. I'm barely trying now and all my accts are top 8k or so. Pretty sure if I tried ild make top 5k.

    ...the tier 14 and up on this event? Yeah you prob gotta spend some cash. So what do you want them do? Disallow use of nobs & Xtals in events?
  12. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    OP im not even trying to build these accts. look through this CR I've got 5 accts here ..none are my mains 
  13. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    Most games I've played that are like this require you to actually work like make a load of alts do events and volley your main the gold job done. Once that acct is build complete or near the size you want grow alts so they make more gold.
  14. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    Unfortunately reducing price of lands and increasing plunder will only kill the game more as inflation has already seen the demise of the game, as to many players abuse this.

    New content is needed across the board to encourage new players and old players to stay.
  15. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    Top 5k or top 8k isn't competing when there's only about 5k players on kaw that are unloading more than 5 times a day. You are in the competition with other barely inactive people. I'm glad you find doing TFO everyday and not growing fun, but to most people who actually want to stay engaged in a game, they want to grow fast and be able to enjoy the end content of the game.

    Devs need to bridge the gap between the bigs and the new players for future sustainability of the game. They aren't going to get any new players that will stay more than a few months at this rate and big players only seem to retire,. So devs will have a problem where existing players are retiring and no new players are engaged to stick around for long.
  16. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    Or they can just create more new and exciting content for people who are big, and make it easier for people to get to the part with new and exciting content. You can't keep someone engaged in a game if they knows it'll take a year or two to build complete. People will be more willing to stay if they can upgrade faster, they will feel that hitting ebs are worth their time and be more active.
  17. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    Sweet_serenity - look at my achievement and how long I've been playing. That's without even really trying and while taking incoming. They have bridged the gap and made it easier but who wants to play a game they can complete in a few months. The easy way though is to increase gold crux drop rates for new accounts that show x growth per x days - only to prevent bots and alts transferring to much gold.
  18. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    how much money have you spent ?
  19. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    This is an often repeated complaint but let's look at it with a bit of thought...

    No new content for new players or small players - Well for new players even to old crap is new to them. For smalls, how many boring EBs do you really need?

    Mids don't get content, sure they do the grow into larger EBs, just like the bigs did when they well smalls and mids.

    I'm a mid, going on 6 years and have no issues with content. I have issues with bugs, inflation, hit ranges and poorly crafted events that are xtal farm an OSF event.

    Stop whining your not gonna ever hit anyone for real with that shiny equipment you desire anyway.

    Stop asking for everything to just be handed to you because you ask.

    Oh and move outta your moms basement!
  20. Re: Balance game out for smalls

    I will gladly take donations. *whistle*