Best season wars ever

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. So for my 1000'th post I thought I'd ask the kawmunity.


    personally I'm going s2 ..... I had my most success in this season generally rosters I was involved in consisted off 1 ps 2 or 3 tanks a couple of mids n some gh.

    My main reason for loving this season was that it hadn't quite been mastered so that clans could "beat the system" with specific rosters of only one type of build and many clans hadn't realised the benifits of tanking so most wc's had one strat which was plunder down sko n turtle. There was a slight noobishness to the way most of us warred and it was great......of course some had mastered it ...I'm sure this was the rise of rising hawks n such clans but 80% of us just plundered and sko.

    It's all changed now n i blame those who found ways to win through abusing roster types but i basically don't war now unless I've no funds to bank and have a spare hour or two which is hardly ever.

    These were my best kaw days

    I doubt they will ever be matched


    What was your favourite season wars n why
  2. There were no ps in season 2. I think they came in in season 3 when that bs clan with 3 lb rest ps started warring. Even then only them used ps.

    Season 1 and 2 were good. Hansels bigs mids smalls all featured in rosters without manipulation bar a couple of gh clans it was mostly proper ee war clans without gh turtle crap

    Rh suck. Once clans started copying their lb gh roster it was the beginning of the end for them. Whoever had the biggest lb won and that was that
  3. U may be right......I might have been a gh back then I'm not 100% I just remember winning wars regular and mass participants
  4. When is S6
  5. S3 because that's when I started and I was mini gh lolololol and s5 for when I placed #72 and got my banner haha
  6. You may be right. I may be crazy. But it just may be a lunatic your looking for.
  7. Making sense as usual skinny.......keep up the good work
  8. Season 1. Just the excitement of it all. The rages after no matches. The excitement after winning.
  9. S1,S2 were fun, got rancor 50 on my old account, s3 was awesome - shoutout to my from Perkutut Army for getting me level 50 then too 

    S4 sucked, no two ways about it.

    S5 was way too easy, and didn't promote clan-loyalty or teamwork in anyway, so it sucked.

    Overall S3 was the most enjoyable season for me :)
  10. S1 in Pillars of Chaos was a blast.
  11. I flailed around in season 1 jumping from clan to clan. I was hlbc then....season 2 I settled into POC and called it home through season 4...I enjoyed off season wars or trials. 4 Sucked no doubt and 5 I started losing interest. I prefer clan loyalty to individual and LL any day.
  12. S2 roaming between bgII PoC and sotra folk
  13. LOW EFFORT; IN B4 LOCK one cares what OP thinks (obviously by the lack of interest)

    FB 13adp

    HB 13adp

    You see Pars you shouldn't be commenting on other peoples thread making abilities when yours sucks more.
  14. Todd nobody cares that u can unload on a ps's a cookie now keep it out forums and in my news feed . If everyone reported there actions in forums it would be a busy place ya attention seeking troll
  15. S1 was the worst for me after being kicked from worms for having to much bfa (for a gh). Then was invited back, but then a few days later I was kicked by Russian (whatever his name is) for no reason. After that I had friends in sorta F. And was invited the next week I got kicked because they lost 2 times to worms and thought I was a mole. Ended up joining a random clan just to renew to keep the things that they had back then to get the reward. Don't remember s2 really and didn't even participated in s3. S4 was my most successful season within 1 and a half weeks I got to 70 medallions it was great made a few friends. It wasn't till s5 that it was my favorite and made more friends. Had a lot of fun eventhough the lack of clan wars was a disappointment and the rewards was kind of bad.
  16. S2 is the best season of all
  17. Bump because op asked if I could help keep it active.
  18. Season 2 was my favourite. Exploits were still GH which were easy to work around. Rosters were still mixed builds and match ups very very fair most of the time. Strat was about teamwork not manipulating match ups

    Ran a really successful season at KotFe (and HiT) a huge number of us got rancor 50. Burnt out big time leading almost every war lol but was fun and worth it

    Shout out to S1 - very mixed season but had the best time warring at HiT ... Elvin Hat Rol big loving always. Me and Fonzy were there groupie noobs watching in awe at them never give up trying strat after strat.

    S3 we dont talk about lol it really was just stacked rosters copying each other. You couldnt get around the SH like the GH.... thats the moment everyone who cried for the GH to be nerfed realised there was a worse demon out there lurking

    S4 was awesome too - primal Kotfe rocked them and by end of season whole of Apoc was spilling rosters of all sizes out. we had an amazing team, bg troll fonzy knight tanya just a few to name who helped us put on up to 3 different sized rosters each war - and over 70 of our guys got over 100 medals that season

    Pre-season EE was fun too - 4hrs, 100 ppl - full of inactives lol well was fun until haxor exploit lol
  19. Skinny I don't need to ask u to bump a thread it's basically what u do all day