A little thread to get some excitement in our basement dwelling lives. How many have been in an OSW to be rudely awakened by buzzing, dinging or ringing? I have!!!! I was stripped like it was going out of style, couldnt even believe the amount of hits that acct took to get the little I had in allies. It was all done by my friend and yours, ZAFT Now, I had to come back to the game after trying others that suck. Here is what I saw Huge accounts stripped !!!! Wahahahahah funny stuff, smashed like a teeny weeny bug. The reason it is so funny? Those people are the ones that made hundreds of people quit the game!!! Its too bad that some of them have used their monetary gain to quickly rise in ranks, it is their choice, lets not forget that. I had no where near the allies they did, and it still hurt me, not sure why, I guess I think of myself as basically a good person and was surprised they would try to take every last piece of gold I had. That is also the reason I dont OSW anymore, its a crotch punch to watch your clannie go down. People talk about banning farming, tweaking the system so large accts cant hit smaller etc..... what about banning stripping, or banning a full strip and clear? The only ones that like a full strip/clear are the ones with the gold to do it, and the cash to spend on gold to do it. Now, before you tell me to stop whining and its part of the game, lets go to Battle List, that is part of the game and hardly anyone uses it, Ally chat, thats part of the game and hardly anyone uses it. And yes, I was very butt hurt, as you say, that all my allies were hired and I lost about 3/4 of the gold I had invested. There should always be one ally left for a person that is getting stripped, be it good or bad, leave them one ally. You dont look like a huge (bag), and they still have their dignity, which a big Zafto lost. Im sorry but when I read the thread that a huge Zafto was stripped clear, I did have a laugh out loud moment, then an OMG moment, then a little LOL again. Now, the thread I saw it on was equally great, the demeanor was "yes, its part of the game" but the intent was "I will destroy every last one of you" and I do believe that is because he/she got away with bullying people, stripping people, having people do his/her dirty work because he/she was too busy upgrading, hitting people that hired his/her allies after he/she hired them back (taxes my butt) and just being a general (bag applicator). Tell me your strip story, be it on yourself or another player. Tell me how long it took and if the teacher was rounding the corner while you were doing it. Teacher meaning the account holder.
TL Stopped Reading, Kingdoms at EBs now offer 1k silver bar every two weeks, more than most have in allies now. Also, buy crappy allies... You only need max plunder.
I agree with OP on this topic. It does hurt when you wake up naked......but it is part of the game. No support for allie stripping limits. We all know the game...live by the sword, die by the sword is my thought. Strips are a form of discipline. Make someone mad who happens to have connections and you lose...end of story. Join an alliance in war, get stripped....well, you knew when you joined that was a possibility
Why that color though? It's that one color your aunts cousin's friend paints her guest restroom because she doesn't have good taste when it comes to interior coloring.
don't want to be stripped....avoid PvP and osw like its the plague and keep oath spell on 24/7....though that would require you actually engage in some form of PvP....so get over it lol
Now this is something we can work with. You have made me look at it in a different way, we all know the game, thats good. lol @ discipline thats true, so true, disrespecting someone is a biggy Why cant they finish it themselves instead of involving so many others? Good Stuff Postman ps I loved your movie
Not sure I understand your problem, maybe a device looks different than PC. I can see it fine, who cares what color it is anyway, this isnt a decorating contest :mrgreen:
Im not afraid to PvP. Are you missing the point? Geez some of you people are real winners in the brain category. Its amazing the things some of you come up with on threads, are you that bored? GO OUTSIDE
Good and fair question.....dont think for a moment that I cannot disconnect an online game from real life, but real wars are rarely fought and won alone. So my answer is that as in all political encounters, how you treat others will determine your outcome. Network to build alliances so that you are successful in war and with your economy. Economy here is building your acct to be better. All of us here that have played more than 2-3 years have had alliances with people. Thats why they bring in help....some bring in help cause they are butthurt, some cause they are noobish, some because someone gave them false hopes with a wall "protection stamp" that boost their ego too much...etc. it's all about real life and how we deal with stuff...alot of that is played in this game....or sometimes reversed...how many bad-assess do we have here in KAW LAND but are wimps in RL??? Who start trouble and can't get out of it.....as I always tell those I encounter...if you stir the poop pot, you should have to lick the spoon....be careful what you stir.
Diffrent subjects or thoughts but I didn't want to expand the length with paragraph breaks. Wasn't that the correct way to do it????
Sure it would hurt if you had a lot of allies but that's the game you know the risk when you buy them.