Hello everyone, As some of you brought to our attention, the ratio between stat increase and purchase price when upgrading specific buildings in Osmon Rai from Level 9 to Level 10 did not match the increase for Level 8 to 9. We've gone ahead and increased the Level 10 stats given by the Thaumadrake Astral, Great Sun Archon, and Speirrender Overlord buildings to better reflect their upgrade costs.
Thanks for the quick fix <3 Edit: See Adonis-ICE_MaCHiNE I told you they would sort it if you made them aware
Yes they will go up as they have fixed the stats for the level 10 which will effect everyone who has them too.
It will be a long time until I can even think of going near these building levels but it's amazing to see such a quick response from the developers on the issue! Thanks!
How about some Silver Bars for the gold forgone due to this? I upgraded Sunday...that's four days of ASoF and LotL
Unless the plunder changed from the old stats to the corrected stats I see no reason for compensation. You lost out on a few stats which was corrected quickly as soon as they were made aware. If plunder was effected then maybe I could understand a small amount of compensation being given and even then it's not really needed.
Ad the Zeruan Ceilfortress to the list of buildings whose stats were affected...and yes, plunder was lower as a result, how could it not be? 300k per hit certainly will add up over time, Kezzer, let's not get so cavalier
We're not out of the woods yet, my level 10 Ceilfortress went up, but so did my level 9 on Mott...and the new gap is still not bigger than the one from 8 to 9
It's same for spy buildings. Lvl 9-10 does not give any better stats than 8-9 while it costs 2 trills more
For the spies the level 8-9 upgrade has a change in cs of 4946520 while 9-10 is 5024800. Yes there isn't much of difference but it's still not a smaller change in cs for a higher cost like the troop buildings had. Spies are fine leave them as they are.
ATA: how about you open up that wallet and buy seals and xtals, that's the way it's supposed to be !
I see how the feature request process works now. Step 1: join kotfe Step 2: get whatever you want Simple and clear. Thanks, devs!