It is now time to bring out the new mith equipments. People now only war for the event items,adding some new equipments will make people to war more.
Once a upon time war equip used to be the best thing around, but Devs realized they could make more money by having more people participate in events than war. Today's Kaw, Devs attitude to wars:
i don't see why they have an issue catering gear towards the event or way they are earned. for instance eb gear should be fairly easily attainable with the higher end eb gear taking gear hunt like with scrolls. with higher atk with little no defense. event gear catered the same way eb gear is except instead of the higher end being earned through scroll hunts obviously will be earned by coming in a better ranking also with more focus on atk and little on def. and pvp gear also obvious the people who gain the higher ranks earn the better gear and more of a balance of atk/def. all events can focus on spy but primarily pvp will have the higher end spy gear. it's easy. every other game does it. cater gear towards how players play. what does someone who hits eb's all day want def for? to fend off attackers that they never engage?