Is it ok? - Seals of the Damned

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Moody, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. I'm always impressed by people who seal in their own clan. It shows a level of loyalty and teamwork that goes beyond ethical hedonistic notions in labeling something "mine/not mine".

    Back in FC, we kept our osfs running 24/7 through constant teamwork, splitting shifts for sc, sp, and war tax. That was what I loved most about FC - everyone working together for the same goal.

    It used to be like that in KAW, with players working and struggling together for eb completion. Now, I guess completions are so common, and gold so abundant, that players are using seals to derive maximum personal benefit, seeing themselves as individual agents rather than part of a collective.

    Not saying it's good or bad either way, just some thoughts.
  2. ^ most these fast EB clans have no loyalty well actually nearly all of them, they will boot your ass for sleeping. I'll take my seal and go somewhere that doesn't use me.
  3. Dragon was here 
  4. Seal is yours, given to you by the RNG Gods, you decide.
  5. Agree. And add that if you don't roam clans, and support 1 main clan, then use in main clan. That's loyalty to fellow mbrs. If roaming, then follow that clans CP rules. You choose to accept the rules when joining.
    I do support free choice of seal dropped to you.
  6. I think the clan should decide. If someone leaves with the seal and they are told not to then if the clan has the know how and firepower to turn that target into a farm so be it. Such is KaW.
  7. I think if its stated on cp or in ca and you choose to stay in that clan, having had fair notification, then using a seal dropped in that clan elsewhere is ripping them off.
  8. A seal is different because multiple players worked together to complete the eb, while a lottery ticket is often only bought by one person.

    If you and a friend payed 50/50 on the same ticket, shouldn't you share the reward too? :)
  9. Dropped seals are a clan effort and therefore should be used in the clan they dropped, end of story.. You only got the seal because the entire clan killed an eb.. If anything, it's not very good karma getting the seal drop and running, unless you bought the nobs for that seal, it isn't your seal..

    Seal at home.. Less chance of getting the herp or something...
  10. Yes, I think it's okay in most circumstances to take the RNG dropped Seal to another clan to be drop. Even a pure b2b HTE clan.

    What I think is not okay is the arbitrary rules about how the RNG Seal has to be used. Immediately? Max xtals? FFA items? Unintentionally or no such 'rules' benefit some players in the clan more than others. Say you were just finished hitting the previous eb before you went to bed; you can't stay up and hit HTE or risk being late for work/school/appointment. Say you have no health crystals? What if the clan owner goes max xtal in phase one and then gobbles up all the items before you got the chance?

    I know this is a separate question, but how is it okay if the clan decides that any RNG Seal has to be dropped for the common good, but then uses it for the benefit of a few instead? Wouldn't it be fairer to drop it the next day when the majority are active, and then milk it: no xtal or 1 xtal, 10 items max each phase, or similar?

    Then the next question that arises is: even if it's okay to drop elsewhere does that mean you would want to?

    If you agreed to be a permanent member of the Clan and there are clear published rules about Seal usage then really you're stuck, and should abide by the social contract you made when you permed. Your Clan owner and the friends you've made would quite rightly perceive your leaving to drop elsewhere as a social and contractual betrayal. Enlightened self-interest alone should dictate that you stay and drop in your Clan to benefit from future freebies, and avoid the reputational hit of a ban and inconvenient incoming when you want to be hitting a train of HTEs.

    I also like Kezzer's argument that:

    So I would make a further distinction between casual clan-hopping visitors, perhaps eq hunters, who applied to join knowing there are clear published rules, and mercs/eb angels who are doing you a massive favour in joining and savings your Clan from failing.
  11. I'd use my seal wherever, if I were allowed 100% items :lol:
  12. Thinking of a clan like a shop is the bad that came from the release of hte' me most clans aren't businesses like alot of b2b hte clans are these days & are not profiting from u "shopping" there, they're families that work for the benefit of all their members & they don't let u join just to see u hit & leave...taking a seal is like having hundred ppl make a community feast then having 1 person take the best of the food and ditching to eat it with a few who contributed nothing.
  13. I can understand people running off to hte clans but I personally think all seals should be used where they're dropped TO SHOW YER LOYALTY TO YOUR CLANSMEN
  14. There is a definitely mixed bag of opinions here which is nice to see!

    We all agree that paid for seals can be used anywhere regardless of home clan, equip hunting or HTE clans. You pay for it, you use it for yourself under your rules.

    As for dropped seals, these effectively have no value. They were free. But to receive this free reward, much time and effort was put in by many members. The seal surely then belongs to all that helped you achieve it?

    I can understand that clans have rules of "dropped seals are used in clan immediately" but should these HTE have rules? Does the lucky person who got the drop have to make the seal FFA? Or is it enough that everyone gets extra gold per hit by the normal eb?

    Alternatively. This is purely luck. If you're lucky to get a seal then it is in your inventory. Nobody can touch it and nobody can force you to do anything with it. Therefore, is it worth burying the politics and saying that if a seal is in your inventory then it's your call regardless of how it got there? If all clans have the policy of what drops is yours then there would never be a problem and just hope someone more loyal gets the drop next time....

    So many sides to the argument!
  15. So I'll ask again should event rewards be shared? Should you volley your clan each a fraction of the gold from the SB? Should you use the seals you get from event at the EB clan that used you for faster ebs? Well really you were using eachother but you know what I mean.
  16. Event rewards are so numerous and given out to each player, you earn an event reward rather than it being pot luck - it's slightly (and I admit only slightly) different to the random chance of a seal.

    As for seals earned through events, same as above - you earn a certain tier of reward through xtals or paying for seals, you should keep them
  17. It's my damn seal if it drops to me. I've been farmed for helping a clan finish an EB, then have a seal dropped to me and requested to drop it. I said hell no and to shove up it their ass.

    Tl:dr get your filthy mudblood hands off my seal
  18. I'm in a clan long term and any seals I get I give to the clan as their growth helps my growth never close phases and let my family milk hte for all its worth.
  19. Yeah i gotta agree wit moody on event drops too
  20. As stated, depends on situation.

    If your a perm: A sense of loyalty should convince you to stay & drop for your home.

    Visiting guest: Two types here, Casual guest: 50/50 depends on how the clans structured. Also depends on time spent & if Hte was ran ext.
    Perm guest: A clan you visit more frequently such as one you go to in promos. 80/20 more twoards staying & dropping out of loyalty. Also varies on if your "Under stat". If they let you in under the min cs requirement you should be grateful.

    Mercing:Mercs come in, save a battle & win a seal. They are in NO WAY responsible to drop in your clan. They are strictly doing YOU A FAVOR. A seal is just a added reward.

    Dual home clans: This is a bit more tricky. Clans you consider home but alternate between them. Use your best judgement here. I've had a seal drop at a clan during the hive promo. Left for a hte clan on the promise I'd return a seal back within a few days. Being a player of my word I did as I promised, they offered me a phase of items which I politely turned down. I won a seal there, I dropped it else where. I bought one & returned it. Simple as that.

    Bought seals: Unless you made a deal like I did. A seal is yours to do as you wish. No matter if its bought from the market or from a promo.

    Won seals promo box: Highly unlikely you will but possible to win a seal from buying keys for the promo chests. No matter if its regular or gold key (varies from promo to promo) still follows the bought seal rules.