Petition To Make HTE Free

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ImmortalFaZe_TDT, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. But I assume this thread is a joke anyway
  2. Better solution-
    make rotwb like 15 nobs
    Make Hte like 40 nobs
    Make a new $ eb for the large stat accounts that actually gives them a challenge that is your new 59 nob eb

    This way you have $ eb for small, med, and large players

    This will also help retain your casual spenders that are feeling left in the dust by the new land costs, as they now can get an hte pass for 40 nobs. And the agressive spenders can go on pumping out the same amount of nobs they have been but actually have an eb that lasts longer than 10 mins
  3. 2 hour haunting if I collect some items I make close to 100b. Reg haunt pays good

  4. Ya if we could all get to over 200 mil cs wed make good off haunts to
  5. Lol right
  6. Bwahhhhahhhaaahh
  7. I could maybe see it going to 29 nobs but free? You're barking up the wrong tree.
  8. Support this, but unfortunately will probably never be implemented
  9. I take send hot pics of Apheriun and Zelegrad for free HTE.
  10. And with the slots game that the devs have released they should be rolling in cash too!
  11. No support why because its still the top eb for growth and promo hunts. If HTE was free most clans would be running it 24/7 especially durring promos maybe make it free eb a clan can run once a week.
  12. No support. ..ATA is a business, which means their goal is to make a profit. They have 2-3 pay to play ebs and the rest are free.
  13. I have a petition to shut down dumb ideas like this anyone wanna sign?
  14. No
  15. There's no way they would do this, ata makes way too much off the sale of seals. If you somehow got all of kaw to refuse to buy- then maybe they'd consider lowering the price. It's not going to happen though.
  16. I think what tge op is saying is, its time to replace hte with a new premium eb. Thus making hte a regular eb.

    I agree with him. If you keep hte at its current price how much would a newer premium eb end up costing? We are already paying $6 for what is to many clans 5 to 10 minutes of they money in action.

    Hte either stays as is and any new premium will only cost more.


    Lower hte's cost and the next premium eb can be $6 instead of 10(again..).
  17. Why focus on HTE and ZTA only when you can recommend to increase ALL EB PLUNDER by 10 to 20 %?
    Current BC cs already quadrupled. We are chasing now four times what was before. Everybody wants more gold, you can see ally dumps everywhere.
    Devs, please release the Gold bars. :lol:
  18. Totally agree with this.

    When you realize that you all pay much more for a quite simple to design, code and maintain taptap game than for years long coding games' done by crews nearing a hundred developers subscription fees for a dozen of gameplay years...
    C'mon, let's stay a bit realistic.

    Or at least get rid of the cheaters in this game, not really motivated to ditch more money into a Don Quichotte-esque windmill fight.
  19. Edit: Free 3x haunts for all, remove paid ebs, take it back to old skool :)
  20. Bump (for good purpose) also I'm author of thread