Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by PRIME, Apr 9, 2016.

  2. That's a pretty good show IMO.
  3. Support. Every time I get around to cleaning my walls they fill up pretty quick with posts I want to keep but there's always more I want buried below them.
  4. Oh to my lost noob tears on my wall...there are some real jewels buried on there.
  5. I mean 0.o they exist but devs just need to change a few numbers and you'll be in business, you feel me?
  6. Shooting most of you into a Kleenex was the best idea ever, a shame it didnt get more support :|

  7. Easy Captain Quackers, those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

    What happened to your crappy build anyways?
  8. Oh im no hypocrite, im not even worth the kleenex, the carpet would of done for me.

    And as far as my build i decided i enjoy trolling forums and farming noobs more than chasing kaws imaginary carrot down the hole called BC.

  9. Your tears are delcious.. Nooby and full of butthurt
  10. Support and glad to see Brig back :)
  11. With the substantial amount of time and effort you clearly put into your online life- I'd say it's quite pathetic that not many like you. My reply on this post is the first I've made in years, I don't pretend I have a huge forum count- I typically just read the content. I don't push for post count to attempt impress people. However, as the topic is wall posts- my wall has a lot over the last 4 years and 341 days on this account that I'd love to see. Oh, and just to toss this in the mix- this isn't my only account. You started a whole two months before me, props to you on that- since you think the duration that one plays an iOS game somehow counts as an insult. Woo! Go you!

    Now returning to my "insults", you missed the one where I pointed out you lack the proper equipment that would qualify you as a man. You also appear to have high amounts of estrogen. I say this because you appear to cry a lot. Do you need someone to tell you that you don't look fat in your little school girl skirt today? Perhaps that will help you to stop stomping around in your high heels.

    Making a list of points you intended to make doesn't mean that you actually included the content to do so. Or that you somehow managed to make these highlighted points offensive. You can say whatever you want about my clan. The people I know here have been nothing but good to me. Also, to define me as a person, or anyone on either side by your personal perception of the group as a whole (which is entirely objective) just proves what an imbecile you are. I don't lump anyone together, I have friends from over the years all over the place. Sometimes friends are on the opposite side of OSW or wars, sometimes they're on the same side. It's a game- it's not personal. Where people choose to make their home clan in a game has no importance to me. Just as your opinion isn't relevant to me nor will it ever be. You've already proved your worth.

  12. Yay! Good to see you too Titan! Haven't spoke to you in ages! Hope all is well.
  13. No support. Sorry. Also. I can think of many way better ideas than this. Title is misleading. I feel like buddy elf in the coffee shop after reading this

  14. @Brigs ...Kasama is a teenager . He likes to talk manly/worldly but he's still crapping green turds and has eggshell on top of his head

    I pretty much only play for wall rage and noob tears. Would be nice to display some of the classics for my audience 

  16. k
  17. Title of this thread is so misleading :(