Next Mod/VK discussion

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kezzer, Apr 9, 2016.

  1. That's so funny. Hahaha!

  2. Chocolate23 for vk....most deserving for it
  3. Make kezzer mod already. Just instead of green make him brown to match his nose.
  4. Chocolate23 - VK
    Always helping the community and spends countless hours working on guides. Helps everyone he can, always the first to make event drop guides. Just an overall great person.

    Ashes - VK
    Funny person who always brings light to forums ever darkness. Great threads and my personal favourite, booby pics.

    Kezzer - VK
    Despite the criticism he cops, he does a lot behind the scenes and is a great person. Always creating threads which spark heavy discussion and posting what could help KaW.
  5. Less is sometimes more
  6. I personally wish they trash VK and implant a new system one that only 3 people can obtain at one time. Every month the current one can stay if they are still doing good for the community or drop if they are not benefiting the community. There should be no permanent badge or anything.
  7. I regret to inform you that Ms. Frank is no longer with us.
  8. They do this already.

    So, you wanna trash the VK program, and implement the same program but only make it three people?

    How many VK's are there now?


    You, friend, are a trailblazer.
  9. I think pipebomb should get VK for constantly posting interesting topics and keeping forums interesting whenever it feels dull.

    Out of all forumers hes the only one close to deserving of that blue name tbh
  10. Pretty sure the new ata accounts are here to replace mods
  11. I dont think so?
  12. Sushi for mod and vk
  13. Ew no
  14. So Valiant Knights are people who spend ther kaw life in forums? Why can't it be the best warriors in kaw, this isnt kingdoms on blogs, its kingdoms at war.
    Give them Valiant Forumer.
  15. There shouldn't be a wave. There should be a set number of each and should have a fixed term unless demoted for breaches or just not performing. We have to many of each that do little, add little to the game and understand little of the game.
  16. I actually agree with sushi, everyone says vk and mods off of kawrums rather than playstyle :3
  17. So who are these best warriors in kaw? I'm curious sushi.
  18. I kinda agree with that. The criteria listed for the achievement is "Contribute positively to the KAW community", but the 'community' is not synonymous with the Forums.

    Chocolate23 for VK is only right and proper, imo. If there are to be further VKs I would prefer that such official recognition be given to those running starter clans who do so much in their clans to help new players and keep them in the game. But because it's in a clan and not in public we don't see it going on.
  19. How about the players such as fonzy, kilo, syl, modern_altair, and the wc's at the elite level that teach players how to war which is a skill used in and out of ee? How about the players who are at the top of lb in war seasons? Why is it the people who will get vk are forumers? Wulf made eb guides and land guides and build guides and he got mod, and correct me if im wrong but he isnt a vk lol, but you want to give someone who just posts funny things a vk ? or chocolate vk when he does the same things. #WulfForVK