make hte longer

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TAN_DATA_GRA, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. I love how 3/4ths of the people supporting this are in b2b hte clans
  2. Ata also has to consider the spending vs non spending imbalance. If a longer or better paying eb comes out then the gap widens even more between the haves and have nots. The nots will find it a bore and quit.
  3. Paying members get extra benefits every where.
  4. Support
  5. support. devs this eneds to be fixed. htes now are less than 5 minutes.
  6. Support..

    We need longer hte, with new lands and stats, players are doing very much damage and eb finishing it in 5-6 mins. It's waste of putting crux... Devs, If you want us to put money on seals and crux, increase the eb strength to stay longer a bit atleast. Or else increase the crux time from 2 hrs to 3 hrs
  7. Yes! I like the crux things a bit better
  8. Increase the crux time support. 15 min wait between eb's kill most single clan HTE trains. Hold on, are there any b2b HTE clans still out there
  9. They won't change it if people keep hitting it...
  10. I think they will have to make it longer or add something otherwise many top 20 clans will quit running it
  11. It's almost like these people complaining about the small eb don't realise if you paid for nob gold instead you'd get more or less 20-30bil. But yeah hte can pay up to 200-300bil so let's make it longer cos reasons and we want 600bil over inflating Kaw more
  12. Making hte longer would eliminate the 'trains' era !
    In my opinion that is the biggest issue with hte. Making more gold on a premium eb is fair, being able to make excessive amounts of gold in a short period of time using 47 Xstals with one set of chests is more likely the reason the 'gap' as people call it is widening.
    So what would you rather people??!!
  13. No support... HTE is fine for smaller players what we need is a harder version of the HTE
  14. Yes it needs to be harder or replaced with similar concept
  15. Hit lotl asof and big ebs if you're that big in my opinion

  16. Look at my attack stats. You think I can successfully hit lotl? Or asof? They don't pay nearly what HTE does or as easy.
  17. I'm good with longer HTEs.

  18. Add two more bars to hte and make the item bar 50% regen every minute :)