incentives for ee wars

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by _______D_A_R_K_N_E_S_S_______, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. So i hope everyone knows the match ups could do with some say the least

    The best way to improve them is probably to get more people in wars. While events do provide a incentive there should be more incentives outside events and maybe inside event so even more people war.

    So go ahead and suggest what can be done..

    One thing i thought would be good incentive is when war starts all your gold gets banked in bars with 100% refund (no deduction) so people can still buy pots by selling them and these bars automatticaly get sold after wars with extra % depending on how good u did in war(wr rank, ko etc)...this is so that if a person doesn't want to war because of losing gold by banking and also sort of sorts out problems with inactive PS(excluding strips of course)
  2. I think the incentives during events lately in providing event drops have been really good. The War Tokens and war leaderboard prizes were especially welcome as they enabled a genuine alternative to eb grinding with rewards of equal value to to the event leaderboard. Such a shame this was missing from the last event.

    The major disincentive is the constant devaluation of a stagnant range of mith equipments. It's long past time for an overhaul to make available mith equipment worth grinding for.
  3. Or just give players a "war bank" that can only be used during EEs and it protects players from losing their gold at no cost :D
  4. I support the auto and feature. Half the time I don't war it's because of bankruptcy.
  5. Full troop regen at the end of war for ppl returning to clans.
  6. You want great participation? Land and building tokens as rewards for war tournaments.
    You want to improve matchups in indie? Do a two-tier model.
    Jousting Wars = need a crystal to sign up - you get a free regenduring war.
    Brawls = no crystal needed same as now
  7. I'm looking at the roster for war#10 (indi random) right now as an example. Only four clan matches with a total of 104 players. In the lowest bracket a new player with player of 158kcs matched with a cr1 player of 18,213kcs.

    Random isn't everyone's cup of tea, but 104 participants is a bit shocking. I've never stood back from a war to look at one from the outside. I only hope those warriors are free from the usual lag of war caused by heavy traffic on the server.

    So, yes, multiplying participation would be great!

    But a lot of new players have a poor experience of first-time war, from a poor reception from some scornful players who tell them to never cast again, to not knowing what they're doing and so not doing what the vets want them to do.

    I confess my own impatience: you would not turn up to a football saying "hi, i've been put on your team but i don't know how to play and i don't have the right equipment. Can you tell me everything you know about football in the next 20 minutes before kick-off?"

    But war is a learning experience. You can pick up the basics from forum guides, particularly the excellent ee guide, but otherwise you learn by doing. Heck, i'm still learning now. The rational approach is to prefer an active noob to an inactive vet.

    Maybe if some kind souls volunteered to run noob-only ll war clans that could be perma-matched it might result in a better learning experience for the new players and a stronger and improved war environment for the rest of us.

  8. I remember when people would war just for the cc, and that was incentive enough.. No matter what there will never be enough rewards or incentives, so my idea is to shut up and just play the game and be happy that when even get updates.. Seriously, you people that need all these incentives to play, don't really need to play..
  9. I think the cost of the equipement needs to be lowered as well. 1400 mith to get the weapon is so much. Perhaps lower mith cost of the previous war equipement instead of constantly increasing prices of new equipment. It's not like everyone us running around with war equip.
  10. More mith for builds that are over 15m cs... The bigs can barely make any mithril... And of course some awesome new mith equipment... The turnout for wars are so pitiful. Me for instance has a 50/50 chance of being bottom 2 of lb bracket facing players 10x my size or being top 2 in second tier facing guys half my size... It shouldn't be like this.

    Devs should continually roll out more and more incentives... Until there are at least 200 players per war slot.

    -new mithril equipment dominating other equip would be a good start
  11. Increase mith payout!! Right now amount of payout r just ridiculous low. Increase stats on war equips.
    New war equip every seasons. Right now events equips r much stronger than war equips. It not kingdom at war any more. It kingdom at EB 

    More war rewards n tournaments. !!!