pvp feeling

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IE__DragonBorn__IE, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. Id been doing ebs so much i forgot about the thrill of 1v1ing people. Sort of a jump in my heart. As soon as i make my defence stronger i think ill become a fully pledged pvp.

    Anyway i strongly recommend all eb fairies like me give it ago too.

    Tell me one of your great pvp stories and try to inspire others as well!!
  2. What're some good clans for learning the basics of PVP

  3. You can ask in wc, usually people are prettt helpful when it comes to pvp
  4. Onesy farmed me once. That was fun.
  5. I have to keep hitting him to remind him since "forever" lasted only a day.

    More towers noob! More towers !
  6. Cocaine does 1v1 PvP if you hit him up!!

    My PvP story goes like this;

    One time I opted into the pvp blitz and fought tooth and nail with other players to thief their ice hammer/snow owl boon and they smacked me around trying to get it back all whie attempting to get 20 quivers/wreaths.

    It's great fun, I even post on peoples walls telling them I'm after their boon and sometimes make new friends!

  7. thats the stories i love hearing abou, people making allies out of fights
  8. Once this red devil thingie tried to dis our clan so we soooo PvPd him and even got more pay when we beat him.

    But he came back

    And back

    And back


    Events aren't PvP ya noobs

    Try BL Wednesday (or any day)

    Or WC roulette

    Or just pick some annoying whiner in WC, Clan your in, or last person on your wall and unload. No rewards (gold and fun aside), no latched levels, no protection spells. You may even get the all too common noob tears.

  9. We tried to get all eb fairies to do pvp during the first few pvp events, safe to say I got my noob tears.

    But they cried to much, meaning sign up and a different event had to be ran at the same time.
  10. My best story was I think during the 1st twin path event I opted in and hit my battle list well eventually 1 hit back and to this day if we are both opted in we trade blows whenever the other is open great respect to you lohkie
  11. PvP? Is that a new eb?

  12. Yes would you like me to show you the tutorial 
  13. True story, it was fun. Then somehow he ended up in my clan
  14. my first PvP event.....back when Black Hand was going and had 3 clans in their name I was just starting to branch out of my noob clan that had helpede grow. this was the first I had heard of a PvP event and I saw BH recruiting for it. I asked xtreme what the point of going to a clan for the event was....we exchanged sarcastic remarks and I joined BH where I had some of the best times in this game....and now to this day the PvP blitzes are my favorite part of the game by far.

  15. Great story man =)