Jorathe The Gold Premium Eb

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xXsHaNeThEcReEpXx, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. Jorathe the Gold Premium Eb

    Mainbar: Jorathe The Gold [475,500]

    Based on the regular Jorathe Ebs, time would be anywhere between 8-16 hours.

    *Note: this eb should have equal to/Similar strength needed for "The Sleeping Giant"

    Phase 1/3

    Bar 1: Sacrifice [1/1]
    Use Item "Golden Giant's Fur" on this to open eb.

    Bar 2: Resurrected Damascene Guards [93,750]

    Bar 3: The Frozen City [62,000]

    Attack and Assassinate "Jorathe The Gold" to 90%

    Phase 2/3

    Bar 1: Qalupalik Armies [257,150]
    Attack and Assasinate

    Attack and Assassinate "Jorathe The Gold" to 75%

    Phase 3/3

    Bar 1: Blizzard of the North [159,350]
    Use Item "Angels Of Light" on this bar.

    Bar 2: Ice Shield [69,000]

    Bar 3: Reinforced Glacial Armor [139,999]

    Bar 4: White-out Spell [450,000]
    Attack and Assassinate

    Attack and Assassinate "Jorathe The Gold" to 0%

    Would love support for this to become a thing, I could also use help with the messages between phases and for the bars.

    Devs would decide Price for the item although I suggest around $10.

    Shoutout to Chocolate23 as I used his eb guide to decide what the phases would be, and since I stole a picture link from his guide.

    Other than that, I'm done talking, hope the forum doesn't look too crappy :lol:

    Thought it might be nice to add a little /Color ;D
  2. Made this just for the people saying hte was too short now due to new stats :*
  3. Support I need more gold to grow!!
  4. premium LOTL would be better
  5. Battle cry makes every epic a "premium". (Lol)
    Actually tsg was the stuff back in the day. Premium tsg would be real nostalgic; for me anyways.
  6. Premium warbeast. Should cost $20 and to give 10% plunder boost.
  7. Few things would be a easier fix.

    1.Get rid of Rotwb, let's face it. This is a outdated battle. Even the br version is only 9%.

    2. Lower seal prices a bit, with new upgrades hte is considerably over priced these days. With new players starting Llbc Hte should be left to them.

    3. Increase Zta Difficulty. Not the difficulty per hit per say, just add more points to the bar to allow more hits & make it the new hte.

    4. Offer a Zta deal, say a full circle for 8$? Players can purchase a completed circle to open or can still spread amongst the clan to open. Increased difficulty would make it worth the buy.
  8. All good ideas.
  9. This is a good idea
  10. value in kaw? plz lol devs enjoy taking advantage of our addiction
  11. No support. Unless all bars except item bar become atk/asn.
  12. I agree that those are very great ideas, my only thing is that this game gets very repetitive, it would be nice to get some extra variety, ya feel?
  13. Yrs
  14. Heck No Dude.
    Rotwb is love.
    Pays amazing for me, just because you don't like or hit an EB doesn't mean it needs to be removed.

    It is almost free, can be soloed, very short and easy with a good payout.
  15. I wonder if devs read these threads, were making these threads telling devs " hey guys can you do this stuff so we can throw money at you?please?" Lol
  16. No support.

    ROTWB is great for smalls. HTE is more than fine. ZTA already got extended when it came out.

    But Ebs need to allow both atk/ass instead of waiting for a bar to get filled and then move on....
  17. Previous ideas of extending the length of zta are solid, however that said you can still make a considerable amount from zta, I've seen top plunderers earning 700B from a single EB, that is a significant amount, and unless new lands are like 10T each I think patience should be practiced.