New Clan Roles Revisited Again!!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. Yeah, what she said xD
  2. Support the cheaper roles are useless, must be hurting the small clans as they don't earn the gold the bigger clans do and to open all roles costs a lot for those trying to help the new accounts grow and love Kaw like we all do!
  3. The Roles Definitely need expanded. support
  4. Support
  5. Support to this thread. Charge hand role is totally useless it only serves to fill your newsfeed with loads of stuff you can do nothing about.
  6. Just do away with roles . Roles weren't thought out very well . Owner and admin worked just fine . Silencing your members is pretty worthless
  7. I think it is a good idea, and makes logical sense.
    Allows specific duties to be spread around the different time zones,
    And it can be extremely frustrating to open the door but then not be able to title. Could go on but support will suffice
  8. No support. I think admins should be removed aswell and only owner to be kept. You want a clan? Work.
  9. No support. Plan and Setup your clan better with what they gave you. More than enough positions to allow for a smooth operation.
  10. Support this
  11. I thought every role except charge hand and recruiter could change ca. Am I wrong?
  12. I really believe charge hand and recruiter should be one role. And increase the number of slots for it. Knight and Captain can easily be combined too
  13. I have to respectfully disagree with you yak

    The ability to silence TR3S when he returns to clan is probably the best thing kaw has ever given me.
  14. Roles defo needs some updating. Too many roles that can't really do anything. Some roles can see requests, but not let ppl in. Very weird imo.

    Full support for Vix's changes ^
  15. Support. Very important this is updated.