Discussion in 'Fan Creations' started by MadMatts, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. Check the fact you have almost 30mcs in towers noob. You're giving up plunder for plenty of successful defenses against spies. Tower mechs are broken. You want more plunder and also to make people bounce off bad mechs? Seems you don't understand the Rock Paper Scissors aspect of the game.
  2. /lock stupid thread. Low effort
  3. How do all these almost BC builds not know KaW mechanics? There is a huge flaw in this game and its not spy build. The flaw is that the people who spend their time to know how the game works and don't complain about simple mechanics are the ones who can't BC. How is a game that has been around for 6 years because of the Kawmmunity have almost LB players who complain about others builds and dont even understand how towers work???

    Theres a huge flaw when devs care more about these whales spending money and becoming BC than the people that understand all areas and aspects of mechanics to catch up and become one of the LB.

    And not all bigs are whales. The ones like this OP are whales. Big players on LB or BC that understand all aspects of the game are deserving of all credit and are legends. Especially ones that have experience in all areas of the game; OSW, SW, ee, eb, & events.
  4. People are really blaming towers?? You realize 99.99999% of kaw knows that towers on AL lands don't drop plunder.

    When I was an attack build and I did a train at 20m sdt I made ~3.5-4.5t on a drop train. While a BC hansel with 15m sdt made 6-7t off the same train. I wouldn't put any blame on towers. Attack build plunder just sucks 
  5. Either way this guys a noob that clearly could have decided like all others to become a spy build.

    Nobody forced him to become an attack build and everyone has known the pros of being a hansel since "hansel" played in 09.
  6. So you've played this game for 5 years and are just figuring this all out...?

    Flea market *cough cough*

  7. If you have never been a hansel then you will never know att builds make more gold per hit than end bonus hansels make less gold per hit but better end bonus so your answer is no hansels do not make more gold than att builds
  8. When you factor in total eb plunder from eb payout hansels make considerable more.
  9. lol not quite 
  10. No support lol, being a hansel is a pain the builds are more expensive and the ug are more expensive, we pay for the advantages we get lol and yh change build if you don't like yours
  12. Hansel's that dump a fb of troops AND skim with spy's will always make more then a tank, its been that way for a while.

    The simple reasoning is that we have elss towers, and unlike tanks, our spies actually INCREASE plunder. While towers may not lower your PPH they DO lower your potential. Take a tank with no ADT but 30m sdt vs a tank with ADT and 30m sdt, say the ADT is replaced with leveled attack buildings, they'll make more then the tank with ADT. Now a tank that skims will make more then the tank that dumps, but same can be said for hansel.

    If a tank skims Wil they make more? Yes. Even a half bar unload increases net profit. As does not using spies. However they won't make more then a hansel that skims or even 1/4th bar skims. Never have. Never will.

    Also I don't agree with this being an advantage. Tbh. Look at OSW. A hansel gets POUNDED troops almost around the clock. Tanks don't. Ee- if you don't have a ton of troop bfa you have to go PS and can't really do anything. Etc
  13. last paragraph was spot on. Keep crying, fairies. :lol:
  14. Im a noob but my spy account definitely makes alot less than my main attack build so why is it that everyone says spys make more
  15. is your spy build smaller and are you including end plunder?
  16. Its about 8 mil cs smaller but only makes half of what this acc gets per hit
  17. Spies have more potential if played right. Attack builds make more on trains or ebs that are so fast only one bar unload possible. Try unloading 6 times as a spy as fast as an attack build can unload just troops x6. Also the epic being done dramatically changes the advantage. For instance epics that don't let you skim spies like tsg and aff troop builds make more. Whereas on ss and ts spies make more. On eb like asof and lotl where there's only attack and assassin whomever xtals/ and or skims wins. Towers may not affect plunder negatively on abyss but they affect plunder through neglect of troop buildings. By this I mean if you are not adding plunder buildings you won't make as much. I often get asked why I have no towers well it's for the simple fact that even if I add almost all towers it won't stop a strip so imo what's the point. Granted it might slow one but I've seen massive tower builds that still got stripped. You cannot have a build with half as many non tower buildings and expect to make as much as a spy that has few or no towers. Try doing 12 attacks per half hour instead of full unloads if you want more gold. I do full unload of troops and half unload of spies which is way more time consuming than an attack builds 12 actions. To keep up spies have to keep bfa to hit the new epics so attack builds get to grow faster on average. Also some clan have only one cs requirement for all builds which usually punishes the spy since maximum cs for spy is smaller than maximum cs for balanced attack build. It's nice to be tough invulnerable tank build but you can't have your cake and eat it too. Sorry no insult meant by this but to me it is pretty simple math. If I have two hands to reach in a bucket full of coins I will obviously make more than the guy who reaches in with one hand because he's holding a shield in his other hand. But hey you have a shield bro do some war and get ee bonus. And then go do ebs that are too fast for a spy to get a full unload and you will make more than a spy. I bet a spy that gets off 47 full unloads on a train has to work way harder than any attack build ever has. Pure attack only needs to do 39 attacks whereas to get max a spy has to do 39 attacks and 51 assassinations. Be happy with what you have or change. My gf would be happy if my unloads were as fast as yours I'm sure but I take the grief and buy her stuff so I can make a little more once in awhile.
  18. Also I ignored the defensive part obviously it's way easier to participate in all aspects of kaw as a tank. I just don't take it that serious. I have tried everything, but I stay with kaw for my friends and I grow because I don't like cs preventing me from visiting whomever or wherever I wish. I really don't see how having to have minimum 100-150 trillion in unprotected allies to hit lotl is easier than simply growing and getting in wherever you want as an attack build. I don't support this thread not just because I'm a hansel but because attack builds are just so easy I feel like it's a bit greedy to want all that defense and to make as much gold as a hansel who is forced to risk so much more just to keep up. Count the number of hansel in top ten clans vs number of attack builds. And then remove all the hansel that can't successfully hit asof or lotl and you will see that you are comparing yourself to a few extremely hardworking hansels and it's more than just plunder that's keeping them there.
  19. Hansels ftw !!!!