Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. Don't really hate you. Just wish you would respond to my feedback.
  2. No matter what they say, I still love you grant.
  3. The trouble with your April Fools fun is that of late we've had server crashes and all sorts of fun bugs.

    Creating more fun bugs is probably not the best idea. Perhaps fix the ones you've got?
  4. I didn't have any bugs, and don't get butthurt over a joke that only lasted a few hours :lol:
  5. Sadly devs you have become so predictable that we just yawned and went "oh yeah April fool" the best bit was the new lands "7t seriously " i thought I was alright with 80t banked how wrong was i"
  6. Yah there is a sharknado epic and I have proof

    Look at F O C U S clan EB HISTORY.

  7. Shark EB or riot ??
  8. Dj sharky over joey riot anyday of the geek bredrin!
  9. Who wants to hold a strip on grant for this joke?
  10. Incoming ban hammer for false advertising

  11. Perhaps next year it should come a few days before to keep us more experienced players on our toes 
  12. That looks awesome Ata keep doing ur thing what a awesome game
  13. I liked smashes April fools better :p
  14. Aww I was hopeing for shark eb
  15. I.S.s also did one
  16. .

