Cycle of Flame Returns!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. Zelgarad The Accursed - Cycle of Flame returns until 3PM PDT on Monday, April 4th.
  2. NOICE! I love paying you guys for no reason! This is the result!
  3. Noooooo not this eb again!!

    Actually YAY

    Thank you - we all love this one :)
  4. YaAaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!! 
  5. Awesome, thanks Grant!
  6. Why is it not ready to start or buy pieces to open yet?
  8. cant buy pieces <\3
  9. Can't do the eb if I can't buy the item. It's not in marketplace
  10. Why oh why oh why NEW LANDS !!! HTE is too easy now seriously $6 for eb done in 3 mins!?? Now $10 zta done in 10 mins devs STOP JUST STOP you should be reported to trading standard 
  11. :lol:
  12. Bruh I just spent all my nobs
  13. Pieces should be available soon. Hang tight just a few minutes.
  14. Did we lose our left over pieces from before or will they come back
  15. You better make it harder, if not that's like stealing from a blind man 
  16. Here comes the whiners asking for free pieces...
  17. That's what I like to hear! Event with it or just the EB? Or did I not read far enough into it I saw ZTA and lost it!
  18. I hope it's before I'm drunk 