Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st! It really would be so funny if this was an April fools I'm aware it's not April.
Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st! In total there are 500 users online viewing forums. Doubt they like the forum outcry if this was a prank. :lol:
Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st! Remember that The Abyss lands also were released a few hours after the timf when things normally is being released!
Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st! I remember it took an extra 2 hours when they pushed out abyss.
Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st! It may be released after the current lowland wars to prevent any glitches or mishaps during wars. I say give till after wars if anything