Ascend to Osmon Rai - March 31st!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    Nothing :(
  2. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    Whaaaa? :(
  3. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    Y u late grant xoxo
  4. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    It really would be so funny if this was an April fools 

    I'm aware it's not April.
  5. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    They never said a specific time guys
  6. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    Our Hearts Have Been Broken..
    U deceived us </3 
  7. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

  8. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

  9. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    inb4 "where muh lands at"
  10. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    I think you may have missed the last 2 pages
  11. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    In total there are 500 users online viewing forums.

    Doubt they like the forum outcry if this was a prank. :lol:
  12. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    April Fools? :D
  13. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    Only two pages?
  14. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    Remember that The Abyss lands also were released a few hours after the timf when things normally is being released! :)
  15. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    Nothing yet
  16. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    Did they say what year????
  17. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    I remember it took an extra 2 hours when they pushed out abyss.
  18. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    It may be released after the current lowland wars to prevent any glitches or mishaps during wars. I say give till after wars if anything :)
  19. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    i blame lag
  20. Re: Ascend to Osman Rai - March 31st!

    Called it being a joke.