Silver bars are there to make a easy ROUTE to bc. How many more ideas you want to make it easy. Save up and buy them simple
As someone who isn't bc I like the idea but lol is there a limit to how many scrolls you can get... my lands are now 500b+ I feel like just getting a scroll for free instead of saving 500b is a bit too exploitative
Exactly as monk says why do we need more freebies? It's so easy to grow now with the events so why do we need more?
I think this is a good idea. To provide additional ideas on this idea: I was thinking it would be from an event. (An EB would be too easy.) For the event, there could be three paths, as demonstrated before in the aqua or inferno path event. The paths would be the land and building tokens and silver bars. All paths have the normal tiers: 100, 500, 1k, 2.5k, and so on. For each path reward, a certain item would be given. For LAND PATH: Land scrolls are given with the other regular rewards (except SB) For BUILDING PATH: Building scrolls are given with other regular rewards (except SB) For SILVER BAR PATH: Only SB with other regular rewards are given. Each EB drops the same amount of each item needed for the paths, and before the event ends, the player casts a spell in Alchemist to decide which rewards he wants. This allows the choice of who wants what, and this way, there isn't much reason for people to complain. Thanks if you read this!
First & for most seriously people think there will be only 2 lands or devs are giving 2 lands free? I'm not even going there. New lands are an alternative to abysmal instead of investing trillions on abysmal you can increase stats & plunder for less on new lands (most likely up to 10-15). Secondly, maybe tweak the idea a bit? Ll scrolls are kinda obsolete. New land scrolls will be obsolete for the first few months (kinda a waste when the first few are cheap). Hl/HF/Abysmal scrolls I can agree with. Big bonus to non BC/land complete players. Lastly, reason spyglasses were so unpopular amongst BC players was because they released immediately before abysmal lands & the first 3-5 lands are dirt cheap in comparison to last or middle of HF lands. So they saved a few hundred bl compared to smaller players (me as an example) buying 20-25 HF lands for free. If given a choice between gold or spyglass they could have saved them for the more expensive lands & no complaints. Same theory as ug tokens, hurt less when you had lv4 HF buildings you could ug instead of the option to tear down & rebuild (unless you had 5 then it was strictly profit).