Again silenced? I mean, I censored it myself even! My first 2 silences were legit but this is stupid. I'm done. Goodbye kaw. Edit; What I said in wc: (Rose emoji) They call you cry baby Cry baby But you don't ******* care (rose emoji)
I agree, some silences are absolute bull! I got silenced for IMPLYING that I do rumpy-humpy with babies.
Self censoring is against the terms of use. Attempting to do so can lead to a silence. Best to be extra careful, upon public channels.✌?️
This censorship is just unreasonable Js we arent a 9+ game. Have you seen players playing this game? They are mostly teens and middle aged adults (source line) furthermore young kids dont like a game which is text based and have little to no graphics. Why are we censoring everything? Who is it are devs protecting? Middle aged adults and teens who cant stand someone swearing?
I'm offended by this thread.. Just kidding, but seriously we need to bring back the forum mod position
That's irrelavent, ata have a responsibility to keep the content within the remit of its age restrictions- regardless of the majority of players ages.
It's rated differently depending on your country ratings, for example in my country there is no age limit, only a PG rating which means if u r under 15 you need parental guidance. I don't think its a rule because of kids might read sumtin damaging, most kids could find a way to play regardless of age restrictions, i think the roc here help prevent this game becoming vulgar and unfriendly which many adults will be if given half the chance let alone kids. There are alot around who'd avoid chat all together knowing all they'll read is screw this or that and screw u in cruder words and censoring helps keep it all abit more friendly & classy.
Locking thread. Complaining about silences in forums is against policy. Email or use the feedback button.