In b4 lock in b4 lock in b4 lock in b4 lock To OP/Demon "Believe only half of what you see , and nothing that you hear" - Edgar Allan Poe AND Benjamin Franlkin
Did i create a thread bad mouthing the French? Have i made one derogatory comment about them? My god am i losing my mind or has the general iq of these forums plummeted drastically lately? Just post random crap that applies to nothing lmao
Maybe you didn't create a thread about the French but bringing up the French is about as relevant to you bringing up Austria considering the topic.
You know this is bait when the thread descends into a bigoted discussion about which country is the best/worst. INB4 lock
And theres the full post so as i said i did just mention austria....nice editing though .....again, stop reahing
The way he mentioned Austria in the op is what's key you idiot, it wasn't relevant in anyway to the way you tried to use it. The only thing I'm reaching for is an Atlas to try and find this Jakob country
Ive proved you wrong at every corner so all you can do is troll this jacob country thing bc you have not stated one thing that makes sense bc you are an ignorant tool and probably a crappy individual in real life as well...Are you from a country that backed one of the most evil men in history as well? Is that why you dont like the US? not waisting my time on man child trolls...really out this time
Seems to me some U.S. folks do have this complex...& i'd say not many outside america actually care for the counrry or see much besides corporisations, hicks, hollywood & propaganda. The U.S. get used abit by the U.N. as they only seem to affect areas profitable/threatful for themselves & the U.N. capitilises on the U.S. attitude. i'm not sure why any of them see themselves as world protectors when they have not solved any problems on their own. It's my opinion that the U.N. all together is the closest you'll find to world police not any singular country.
Is this fun, OP? Seeing people go at it like the jerry springer show? When you even insinuate that an entire nation of people are a particular way, this is what you get. You get to see the very worst in people. Name calling and posturing. There's no learning taking place here. It's just filling up our forum with more garbage.
You mentioned Austria in the post which still wasn't relevant to the thread, you then went on to say "you", a country can not be a you. Jakob* Feels the need to try and insult my real life because he's under pressure. Most countries that have been powerful in the past have supported at least 1 evil person, but at least my country currently isn't in the process of supporting an evil man *cough* Trump *cough* Really out this time? I look forward to seeing you reply in a few minutes. (Was this last point really just a way to prevent you from replying with your idiocy?)
Well, this does have to deal with Americans. I'm was asking a legitimate question, Cynders post gave some explanation to what I meant. Furthermore, This should explain a bit. But regardless, I'm not writing on this for some hatred on Americans. I'm asking for the opinions of other people around the world. Also just wanted to point out some irony Then
Coming from an American, I can see some of these to be true. We do kind of tie ourselves up in our own jargon, and we always try to make ourselves out as the good guy. Let's be real though, who wouldnt? I want to make the best impression of myself to the people I meet whether it be at school or at a job interview. I will make myself out to be the son of God himself if that's what it takes I do see how America can be criticized for something like this, but I think it would also be better to take a step back and look at the world as a whole and apply this to humanity. No one is at fault, it's just in out nature.
I think you are confusing culture (which is only measurable at the societal level) with foreign policy direction. The US has been an hegemonic power for at least 75 years. What are they supposed to do? Keep to themselves? As far as hegemons they are not that bad either - in the grand scheme of things other hegemonic nations before them did much worse. Americans are very patriotic on average, which is a very good thing, but their media are not the best and often aim at spectacularizing and 'embellishing' things. I should note that many media organizations around the world are worse and only a few (like the BBC) are better. That can result in some people with poorly informed opinions being showcased like they represent the 'average' american opinion. Say.... Steve Emerson's statement on Fox News about the existence of 'No-Go Zones' in Birmingham where islamic religious police beats residents. What should have given away the all thing is using Fox AND News in the same sentence. So, no. I don't think Americans have a Hero Complex. And i don't think you can (or should) judge a culture by the statement of some outliers who are conveniently splashed on TV. Same way we do not judge Austrian culture based on the activities of a certain failed painter who made Corporal in the German army in WWI.