Player Photos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Use imgfit tags to make it resize automatically
  2. Noooooo idk how to upload my photos !!!
  3. You could try, that'd give us a laugh. Man does frank know what a tool you are? Might have to hit him up 
  4. Ya try to get me kicked, from what i hear on forums thats your forte right ?
  5. ^lol

    Oli cant do crap other than send inc, even then ANYONE CAN DO THAT.

  6. Oli can't do anything but play the game the way it's meant to be played man this kid's an idiot. Always has been. Always will be.

    Lethal you're nothing but a small account talkin smack on forums and I don't blame you, you've got nothing to lose. It's hella fun, but the whole point is to not make yourself look like a complete idiot. And that you need to work on my friend.
  7. You misunderstand, farming is boring because EVERYONE has access to it.

    What I'm saying is there are more inventive ways to take down foes.

    Remember what happened before lol
  8. Wow you guys are brave looking good though lol,bump.

  9. Small but trying to regrow. So i indeed do have stuff to lose. I have no big main anymore that i cherish, this is it lol.. So getting hammered on this account sucks as bad for me as it does on anyone elses account trying to grow. Not hididng behind statless alt, just have a crap account lol
  10. Yup, that's purple.

  11. back to learn this game ;(
  12. ^ Watch all these forumers slide into your pms, call you a catfish or try to bash you lololol
  13. Well anyone who has my 3rd party knows I'm real ;( let them call me a catfish. I don't care
  14. Pls let me post that snapchat picture 
  15. Noooooooooo LOL omg. Why did I send it to you? :( so many regrets cricri
  16. Wonder how many of the females posting pics got 10 messages from this.

    Psssst, guys, you have NO chance
  17. Fgs cheese, I didn't think you were actually going to tell them!

    That's the last time I give you my plans for the day.
  18. LOL well if you find my location, bring me food.