Kaw is just boring now . Although the new forum colours dont make it easy reading or draw you in .Now its got so bad its not even worth writting in it because everything fun gets deleted .And most of the things that are getting deleted aint even that nasty .Things are just being deleted out of being spiteful. i did a welcome back thread to Ashes and the first one was locked even though it would have got lots of comments of welcome back Ashes from other members.The war osw threads are so fun and it made you want to come back on kaw everyday to read.Now with them all getting graveyarded its filled with dumb threads not even worth visiting forums for .Ashes guess the picture was a fun thread but yet again that was deleted .And banning the cypher thread was a huge low blow to kaw members because that was fun to read and populer. Duna is right they are beginning to starve them selves by punishing the community that feeds them .Censor within reason ,but dont wipe out the fun and reason we all keep playing.
When Roni and I agree you know something is off balance in the universe. I will be preparing for The End of Days now....
That is way it is now. ATA/Mods are not cleaning threads anymore. If it is rank with illegal allegations, they will remove the thread. OP's make sure to make copies!
Never thought i would agree with Roni but yes part of what made forums and the community great is now extremely heavily censored rather than bad comments moderated out whole threads just removed instead. Forums were there before clans existed. OSW threads were part of the package as were forum bans for going too far. Now there is barely anything to make people want to post or read forums. They are boring and no fun anymore Should add i know some moderators are all for banter and get what forums mean to the community, just seems some newer ones maybe dont understand