
Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by VALENTlNE, Mar 21, 2016.

  1. ^let's hope youre not as incompetent as wilmer
  2. Elmer Fudd is pretty cool
  3. All hail Kasama lord of the anal ring toss

  4. Bababooey Bababooey Bababooey
  5. Wassamatter red? You scared?
  6. I heard he's got a yellow belly...
  7. was busy, what u ned
  8. So if you have far fewer accounts now what happened to the old ones? I sure hope our glorious ToU were not broken.
  9. Guy's, if you were smart, you'd just look at his emojis lol. Thats how i found him months ago
  10. Won't get much Inc from an hte clan.. they are there to hit hte and it's a waste not to when you've paid to be there
  11. Yup, I noticed by the emojis as well, and the fact he pmd me when he came back lol
  12. Val the little girl bragging again about how great he is in osw.You such an idiot not even funny anymore. You should join YAFI. You act like them and do thing like them. How many times I pin you and you don't hit back Such a tough little gurl you are
  13. If irony was real, it would be this post.
  14. You don't pin me musang. That's the point lol. I don't know why you still come to my threads and lie, since it's pretty clear you don't do anything. Twicc tried to hit back yesterday after I unloaded on him couple times, failed all hits then just tried to get me kicked.
  15. I like how you say he brags yet you apparently pin him all the time...

  16. 10 fail scouts the pin is real
  17. Lmfao
  18. Woo I'm in a screenshot!